New York’s Butts Forever Trying to Holla at Firemen

Caity Weaver · 05/09/12 10:49PM

A study of New York City's emergency communications system has revealed that New Yorkers' butts are steady calling the operators at 911, asking do they like them, asking are they asleep yet, asking what are they thinking about.

Andrea Peyser Is Extremely Mad and Incredibly Dumb

Hamilton Nolan · 01/19/12 09:13AM

Animatronic tabloid rage sex screed-writer Andrea Peyser has set aside her sexcellent sexcapades for a day in order to get good and rageful about something deplorably predictable. "More rage, less sexxx" may be Andrea Peyser's catchphrase, in 2012 (time will tell). What is Andrea rageful about, today? Well, let's just see what's in the movie theaters, shall we?

Dutch Architects Behind Accidental 9/11 Tribute Love Pretension, Not Al Qaeda

Seth Abramovitch · 12/11/11 11:08PM

MVRDV, the Rotterdam-based architectural firm that caused an uproar last week when they unveiled plans for a building that reminded a lot of people of 9/11, would like it very much if you would stop calling their offices and threatening their lives, please. Well, not you per se — because you presumably do not breathe exclusively through your mouth and have a "United We Stand" tattoo etched across your torso — but whoever has been leaving those kinds of messages, kindly stop.

New Twin Towers Unveiled as World's Jaw Hits Floor

Seth Abramovitch · 12/09/11 03:20PM

"AAAAAGH! YOU HAVE ERECTED A TERRIFYING MONUMENT TO THE NIGHTMARES OF 9/11!!!" was probably not the reaction that Seoul-based Yongsan Dream Hub corporation had in mind when they unveiled their plans today for an ambitious new construction project: Two high-rises connected by a "pixelated cloud" structure that, tragically, calls to mind the kinds of images you don't really want to call to mind when looking at a new set of twin towers. The design is by Dutch architectural firm MVRDV, who seemingly had no ill will when they envisioned the cloud as a kind of oasis in the sky, with "a large connecting atrium, a wellness centre, conference centre, fitness studio, various pools, restaurants and cafes." (Rendering here.) Actually, now that I've sat with it for a little while, a floating sauna inside a pixelated cloud sounds pretty relaxing — the kind of place Mario and Luigi might go to unwind after a hard day...

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close: A Very 9/11 Christmas

Leah Beckmann · 12/06/11 01:10PM

Here is the latest trailer for Stephen Daldry's Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, and it is one damp mess. Based on Jonathan Safran Foer's 2005 novel, it's got all the requisite benchmarks of a sobfest-out-on-Christmas day movie. Behold, the Holy Trifecta: the wondrous and precociously wise child; the underlying "family is the true meaning of Christmas" message; and the most crucial nail in the Christmas film coffin: Tom Hanks.

Kiddie Corner: Yes, Kids, Santa's Phone Number is 911

Max Read · 11/30/11 10:12AM

Hi Kids! Welcome to Gawker's famous "Kiddie Corner," a place just for you. Today, let's talk about 911. Does anyone know what 911 is? That's right! It's a phone number. A very important phone number. It's Santa Claus' phone number!

911 Prank Callers Target Couple More Than 150 Goddamn Times

Lauri Apple · 11/13/11 05:18PM

If we still had a heart (we recently sold it for firewood), it would go out to Mamadou and Assetou Sy: a Manhattan couple of the Muslim faith who have been targeted by 911-dialing pranksters at least 155 times in the past two years. Are their harassers anti-Muslim?

Family of Three Calls 911 for Corn Maze Rescue

Maureen O'Connor · 10/12/11 04:46PM

The Today Show got its hands on a harrowing 911 call from a family of three that became trapped in a corn maze in Massachusetts, and needed a rescue squad to get them out of the living labyrinth of hay fever and despair.

The Scariest Halloween Decoration of 2011 (So Far)

Lauri Apple · 10/04/11 04:08AM

Yesterday a passing motorist called 911 after spotting this Halloween decoration, which shows a fake man trapped under a riding mower, his fake-man blood messing up the lawn. Fake! Yet still scary enough to merit a "Caution: Graphic Images" warning from TV station WBTV. Boo!!!

Fleeing Driver Calls Cops, Asks Them to Stop Pursuing Him

Max Read · 09/24/11 01:15PM

Usually, when you're in a high-speed chase with the police, you only have three options: pull over and surrender, outrun the police and escape, or crash and die. But what if there were a fourth option?

Muslim Man's Burger Comes With 9/11 Terror Drawing

Lauri Apple · 09/14/11 04:49AM

On September 11, a Muslim man going by the name "Tarek G." on Yelp ordered a burger from the Houston restaurant Petrol Station and received it in a "Happy September 11" box complete with an airplane crashing into one of the Twin Towers. Now that's personalized customer service.

Victim's Name Misspelled on 9/11 Memorial

Brian Moylan · 09/13/11 05:15PM

The family of Jeffrey Schreier was a little miffed when they visited the newly-opened 9/11 memorial this weekend and discovered that his first name was spelled "Jeffery." And this man died in a terrorist attack. No respect!

Anti-American Cowboys Fan Arrested for 9/11 Taser Attack

Jeff Neumann · 09/13/11 06:20AM

Leroy McKelvey, a 59-year-old Dallas Cowboys fan, went with three friends to see his team face off against the New York Jets on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Naturally, emotions were running high. But before the game even started, trouble was afoot in upper-deck Section 324 of MetLife stadium: