Barack Obama Can Just Ignore White Voters Now

Jim Newell · 04/01/11 03:09PM

Even when Democrats' fortunes tumble spectacularly in the short-term, the party can always remind itself that national demographic trends favor them in the end. Many, many old white people will die soon enough. This generation's youth voters are lopsidedly liberal. Meanwhile, Hispanics — who've voted strongly for Democrats in the last two elections after mainstream Republican rhetoric took a sharply nativist turn in 2007 — will occupy a larger and ever growing percentage of the American population. Throw in reliable support from 80-90% of African Americans, and the Democratic party could be dominant in the not-too-distant future.

Donald Trump Lands a Fox News Gig

Jim Newell · 04/01/11 01:22PM

Sublime television clown Donald Trump's pretend presidential candidacy is chugging along splendidly as it rains gold, laughs, and a deeper appreciation for the surreal across this great nation. It's fun to write about, it's chilling to read about, and it's lucrative for Donald Trump. His Celebrity Apprentice ratings are up, he's getting more headlines than any other "real" GOP presidential contenders, and now he's landed another television gig. This why he's running a pretend presidential campaign, of course, and the con should keep bearing fruit until he suddenly "drops out" of the race to spend more time with his latest family, during sweeps week.

Friendly Republicans Produce Obama's First 2012 Campaign Ad

Jim Newell · 04/01/11 11:02AM

Hey now wait a minute. Why would the National Republican Senatorial Committee produce a campaign ad supporting Barack Obama... unless... Oh, right, it's April 1 and everyone tells lies all day. Then again, this video appears to have been uploaded on March 31, so maybe the NRSC really does want Obama to win in 2012. That would be nuts. You can watch the ad and decide. Obama rides a unicorn over a rainbow and suggests boosting oil imports from Brazil, though not in the same shot.

Barack Obama Expected to Run for President in 2012, Too

Jim Newell · 03/29/11 12:56PM

National Journal reports that President Obama is "fewer than three weeks away from formally announcing his reelection campaign." There will be a special YouTube video in honor of the occasion, and maybe some other stuff! (A piñata perhaps?)

Bill Maher Creates the Anti-Obama Candidate of GOP Dreams

Matt Cherette · 03/25/11 10:30PM

On tonight's Real Time, Bill Maher declared that Republicans believe in "being against everything [Obama] is for" and "must nominate for 2012 a man who is the exact opposite of Obama." He even created one for them! Meet Karab Amabo.

Tim Pawlenty and the Curse of the Muslim Mortgages

Jim Newell · 03/25/11 12:58PM

The threat of sharia, or Islamic law, to America's cities, towns, and way of life in general is going to be a major debate topic among Republican presidential candidates this cycle. More than a dozen states have been working to pass anti-Sharia laws, and we should expect to see more state ballot measures in 2012. It's a big thing in Republican politics these days. So wait until GOP primary voters hear about Tim Pawlenty's old plan to boost sharia-compliant mortgages, so Muslims could own houses! Oh, yikes.

Michele Bachmann Inching Closer to a Presidential Run?

Jim Newell · 03/24/11 11:11AM

The news this morning from delightfully nuts Rep. Michele Bachmann's part of the world is that she'll form an presidential exploratory committee by June! That's according to, uh, one anonymous source "close to the congresswoman," at CNN.com. Let's hope that it's true, and that the anonymous source is just Bachmann herself wearing a Richard Nixon mask and speaking through fan blades.

Donald Trump's Delusion: 'I Definitely Think I Could Beat Obama'

Brian Moylan · 03/23/11 12:09PM

Donald Trump went on The View this morning to spread his birther nonsense and talk about potentially running for president in 2012. When Barbara Walters pushed for an answer of whether or not he could win he says, "I definitely think I could beat Obama." Really, Donald? Really?

Now Rand Paul Wants to Be President

Jim Newell · 03/22/11 04:27PM

For whatever reason, Sen. Rand Paul can't find a decent candidate to back among the current crop of GOP presidential candidates. Perhaps because they are losers? So now he may just have to run for president himself, unless his daddy is running.

Independents Pick Sheen over Palin for President

Jim Newell · 03/17/11 12:37PM

Professional pollsters are just being mean to Sarah Palin now. Public Policy Polling finds that Charlie Sheen — "one of the most unpopular figures we've ever polled on" — tops Sarah Palin among independents in a presidential poll, 41-36.

Top Conservatives Have a Roundabout Way of Calling Sarah Palin a Moron

Jim Newell · 03/14/11 02:47PM

Here's a brief history of Sarah Palin's relationship with the establishment Republican party and its supporters in the press: They sat on their hands after John McCain picked her as vice president because she was able to fire up a despondent base; they continued to sit on their hands in the two years leading up to the 2010 elections because Palin raised tons of money while mobilizing the Tea Party; and now that that's over, they don't want her to run for president because she's an embarrassment to the nation and clearly incapable of doing the job even if she were to somehow win, which she won't.