For whatever reason, Sen. Rand Paul can't find a decent candidate to back among the current crop of GOP presidential candidates. Perhaps because they are losers? So now he may just have to run for president himself, unless his daddy is running.

Paul, whose first Senate term began in January, made murmurs about a possible run at an event Monday in South Carolina, one of the early, critical primary states, saying, "The only decision I've made is I won't run against my dad." His dad in case you forgot is Rep. Ron Paul, whose devoted legion of ultra-libertarian nerds gave Rand Paul the money and organization he needed to win a Senate seat.

CBS News talked to a "Paul family adviser" today for more:

"I wouldn't say it's the most likely thing in the world, but he's keeping it on the table," a Paul family adviser tells Hotsheet. "His dad is likely to go ahead and do it. And if his dad doesn't do it, it seems like there would be a dearth of candidates out there who are serious about taking on problems."

The adviser added, "There's better than a 50/50 chance that there will be a Paul in this race."

Hear that? This could finally be RuPaul's year, if only Rand and Ron would unchain him from the family attic.

[Image of Sen. Rand Paul addressing a dusting robot via AP]