Tim Pawlenty Becomes Rabid War Hawk for Lack of Anything Better to Do

Jim Newell · 06/28/11 11:57AM

Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty tries so hard to be loved, and yet. He makes exciting action films on a regular basis, he's apologized for once believing in science, he's released a cartoonish parody of a Republican economic plan, and he's all about the Jesus stuff. He is a full-service pander shop but scares away all the customers. What else can he do at this point? Go nuts about war, obviously.

Michele Bachmann Launches Presidential Campaign

Jim Newell · 06/27/11 11:48AM

We never thought we'd see the day. But sure enough, here's Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, clad in her most confidently shiny suit, officially launching her presidential campaign in her native town of Waterloo, Iowa today. Will she be our new, shiny president come January 2013? If it can't be Donald Trump, then sure, this'll do.

How Much Is 'Struggling Guy' In Mitt Romney's Ad Really Struggling?

Jim Newell · 06/24/11 03:44PM

The Mitt Romney campaign released a web video this morning about young Ryan King, a recent college graduate from destitute Midland, Michigan, who drives around the local trash and destruction all day, just lookin' for a job. He has $3 and only eats bologna sandwiches. Why won't President Obama let him get a job? He is a failed leader.

Newt Gingrich's Top Finance Aides Quit over Lack of Finance

Jim Newell · 06/21/11 01:57PM

Newt Gingrich still had some presidential campaign staffers after 16 of his top aides quit en masse a couple of weeks ago. It only takes a few, right? Perhaps. But his top campaign finance advisers just quit too, so he really should end his campaign and take whatever few dollars remain to pay himself a PAC salary for a few months.

John McCain Not 'Masochistic' Enough to Run for President

Jim Newell · 06/21/11 11:14AM

Did you want 74-year-old crank John McCain to run for president again? Well, sorry. He said today that "there's a long history of masochism in my family, but not so severe" as to make him go through that again. [AP]

Dozens Turn Out for Jon Huntsman's Presidential Campaign Launch

Jim Newell · 06/21/11 10:35AM

Well how about that: Jon Huntsman somehow rode his motocross thing all the way from Utah to the Statue of Liberty in a day to launch his presidential campaign this morning. The 2012 presidential election just got Xtreme, folks. Watch him talk about how fatally damaged yet fundamentally strong the United States is in the clip up top. Where do these boomer types get the audacity to try to fix the country after ruining it so? Well, that's another post.

Will This Xtreme Motocross Dude Rule America One Day?

Jim Newell · 06/20/11 12:29PM

Former ambassador to China and Utah governor Jon Huntsman Jr. is gearing up to run for president! That single human being in Iowa, at least, is pleased as punch. What do we know about this blossoming mute? According to this ad, he's the "candidate for president who rides motocross to relax." Nifty! That Oval Office fridge better be stocked like the dickens with Mountain Dew Code Red.

'Crazy Eyes' Bachmann to Pen Memoir

John Cook · 06/16/11 03:45PM

Republican presidential candidate and history buff Michele Bachmann has signed a deal with Penguin Group USA to write a memoir. It will be called America of Heart or Rogueish Goer or My Father's Flag or The Coming Battle With the Mormon Horde or somesuch and come out this fall, roughly one year before her election as 45th president of the United States.

Newt Gingrich Doesn't Need Your Help, 'Traditional Consulting Community'

Jim Newell · 06/10/11 12:37PM

Newt Gingrich, outsider candidate for president, addressed reporters at his decidedly inside-the-Beltway home in McLean, Virginia this morning, regarding yesterday's hilarious mass quitting of 16 top staffers. No, he's not ending his campaign, you amoral leeches. In fact yesterday's implosion was quite liberating! Now he can run the brilliant, innovative campaign he's always wanted, freed from the calcified constraints of the "traditional consulting community."

Mitt Romney Admitting that Iowans Hate Him

Max Read · 06/09/11 09:37PM

In 2008, presidential candidate Mitt Romney spent $2.5 million to buy a win at the Iowa straw poll (an August event that "is one of the landmark events of the nominating contest"), and then, hilariously, lost the caucuses a few months later, because he doesn't love fetuses enough and may have once seen two men kissing. So, this time around, he's just going to skip the stupid poll! This lessens his chances of winning in Iowa, but it helps Romney position himself as a pragmatic business-golfer-pleated-pants type who will create jobs, rather than a bible-thumping-intense-gaze type who will ban MTV, or whatever Republicans are into these days. Good luck creating jobs while buying into the liberal conspiracy known as "global warming," Mitt! [WSJ; image via AP]

Mitt Romney in Big Trouble for Talkin' Science

Jim Newell · 06/09/11 11:27AM

Mitt Romney was a bad Republican last week. We'll tell you what he did, but first, send your children into the other room. Ready? He gave a big old bear hug to Science, by casually acknowledging that climate change may exist and humans may play some role in that. This is a calamitous "gaffe," and now everyone else in the GOP is trying to destroy him anew.

Team Bachmann Has Sarah Palin in Its Sights

Jim Newell · 06/08/11 12:40PM

It looks like Rep. Michele Bachmann will be running for president, unless you hire a renowned campaign manager and plan a major rally in the Iowa town where you were born just to get a cruel laugh out of it. We shouldn't rule that out. But she seems ready to run, capable of doing well in Iowa, and willing to have her good friend and possible Iowa competitor Sarah Palin trashed through surrogates.