Well how about that: Jon Huntsman somehow rode his motocross thing all the way from Utah to the Statue of Liberty in a day to launch his presidential campaign this morning. The 2012 presidential election just got Xtreme, folks. Watch him talk about how fatally damaged yet fundamentally strong the United States is in the clip up top. Where do these boomer types get the audacity to try to fix the country after ruining it so? Well, that's another post.

But he seems like a nice man. How long until the teabaggers castrate him? There didn't appear to be many on hand at the big launch today. From Politico:

There are about a hundred people on hand at Liberty State Park for Jon Huntsman's announcement, a number of whom in quick interviews said they came up from Washington, or are college Republicans who joined the crowd.

Only another 300 million or so people need to learn his name, and then it should be a quick moto-shuttle ride to the White House. Good luck, Jon Huntsman!