Literal Babies Will Be Reporting on 2012 Campaign

Max Read · 08/30/11 09:54PM

Now that the American journalism establishment has been almost completely replaced by the Twitter account @depressionbook, how will the twenty or so Americans who care about politics receive their news about the presidential campaign? The answer: Babies.

Rick Perry Will Save the Boy Scouts from Mitt Romney

Jim Newell · 08/30/11 04:53PM

Why did Rick Perry completely change his mind about entering the presidential race, thereby stripping Mitt Romney of his inevitable frontrunner status? Perhaps he's too flippant about the whole deal. Or he just wants to exact revenge on Romney for dishonoring his beloved Boy Scouts, nine years ago.

That Michele Bachmann 'Who Likes White People' Video Is Lying to You

Jim Newell · 08/29/11 03:36PM

Some rather strange footage of Michele Bachmann began circulating over the weekend in which she appears at first glance—and with the help of the uploader's captions!—to be asking the crowd, "Who likes white people?" Hot dog, what a racist that Michele Bachmann is! But the video, like 99% of the Internet, is a cruel hoax.

Anti-Islam Nut Sees an Enemy in Rick Perry

Jim Newell · 08/29/11 02:17PM

Don't be deceived. Despite his attendance at not one, but two extremely not-Muslim Christian churches, as well as his constant cavorting with the New Apostolic Reformation, Rick Perry is basically Osama bin Laden in cowboy drag.

Rick Santorum Complains of Gay 'Jihad' Against Him

Jim Newell · 08/29/11 11:21AM

So a full eight years ago, then-Sen. Rick Santorum made an offensive slippery-slope argument with regards to legalizing gay marriage and how it would lead to constant bestiality everywhere. Some folks on the Internet responded by pulling a Google prank that forever links his name to frothy anal discharge. But this doesn't still bother Santorum, does it? Railing against it isn't, say, a part of his stump presence nowadays?

Michele Bachmann Gets Lost Inside Florida Sandwich Shop

Lauri Apple · 08/27/11 10:39AM

Possibly peaked Michele Bachmann has been hanging out in Florida sandwich shops these past few days to talk about how she might change the $7.25-an-hour federal minimum wage, if she becomes president. She'd impose living wages for everyone—especially sandwich shop workers!

Rush Limbaugh's Brother Calls Barack Obama a 'Boy'

John Cook · 08/24/11 05:14PM

Here's a lovely little photo essay prepared by David Limbaugh, Rush Limbaugh's less drug-addicted brother. It shows Rick Perry at age 22, when he was an Air Force pilot, contrasted with "Barack Hussein Obama II" at age 22, when he was a nig—excuse me, I mean, boy. They were both boys, obviously, but Perry was a plane-flying man while Obama was really a boy. Just a boy. This is going to be the most racist election ever.

Rick Perry Leads Every National Poll by Double Digits

Jim Newell · 08/24/11 02:26PM

So far, at least, it seems like Texas Gov. Rick Perry made a fine last-minute decision to enter the presidential race. From our side, we applaud his magical ability to produce daily blog material. And for him, he's already leading every national poll! Now the question is whether he'll completely flop and go down in American political history as a grand failure, no big deal.

Has Michele Bachmann Peaked?

Jim Newell · 08/23/11 03:54PM

There have been several chapters in the still-extremely-early 2012 presidential race. There was the time that Newt Gingrich's smarts and policy chops was going to shake up the contest. That ended. There was the time Herman Cain's business acumen and tea party ties were going to be a real factor in the race. That didn't work out. Then, of course, there was Donald Trump. Remember him?

Mitt Romney's Dirty Little Secret: He's Old

Jim Newell · 08/22/11 12:46PM

Many completely correct adjectives come to mind when you think of presidential frontrunner Willard "Mittens" Romney: Slick, gross, rich, cheesy, evil, hilarious, weird, and, especially, white. But no one ever talks about how old he is. Did you know he's kind of old?

George Pataki Oddly Close to Running for President

Jim Newell · 08/22/11 11:27AM

If you were a former three-term governor of New York and had dealt with all of Albany's crap for 12 years, wouldn't you hate politics and life so much that you'd want to go fishing or golfing or part-time corporate lobbying all the time, alone, while anxiously awaiting your death that just can't come soon enough? Yeah, you would! But if you're George Pataki, you apparently want to run for president. Hmm.

Mitt Romney to Quadruple Size of California Mansion

Jeff Neumann · 08/22/11 01:52AM

American everyman Mitt Romney has decided that his 3,009 square foot home in La Jolla, California isn't quite big enough. According to a Romney spokesman, the well coiffed GOP presidential candidate is doing a little add-on because the $12 million home "is inadequate for their needs." When renovations are complete, after the 2012 election of course, the Romney fortress will be around 11,000 square feet.

Why the Media Is Ignoring Ron Paul

Remy Stern · 08/21/11 01:52PM

It's been clear for some time now that the media is ignoring Ron Paul. Now it's a mathematical fact. Pew Research has crunched the numbers, and it turns out the media's giving less love to Ron Paul than to fellow presidential candidate Jon Huntsman.