Some rather strange footage of Michele Bachmann began circulating over the weekend in which she appears at first glance—and with the help of the uploader's captions!—to be asking the crowd, "Who likes white people?" Hot dog, what a racist that Michele Bachmann is! But the video, like 99% of the Internet, is a cruel hoax.

The footage was captured at an August 5 rally in West Des Moines, Iowa, where she talked about Jesus for a while. It would have been highly unorthodox by presidential campaign standards, and merely "regular" unorthodox by Michele Bachmann's, to open that event by saying, "Who likes white people?"

Instead, it sounds like she asked "Who likes wet people?" And if you look at the full, not deviously edited clip to your side, she says immediately after this, "Yeah, that's right. Because we have the God of the winds and the rain don't we? We serve a mighty god." That's still strange, but not, you know, "going out of your way to be overtly white supremacist" strange.

Another theory going around is that she did say "white people" but was referring to the band that played before her. No.

Don't be disappointed. She'll say her next funny thing soon enough, and soon thereafter we'll all be dead.

[Photo of Bachmann via AP]