So a full eight years ago, then-Sen. Rick Santorum made an offensive slippery-slope argument with regards to legalizing gay marriage and how it would lead to constant bestiality everywhere. Some folks on the Internet responded by pulling a Google prank that forever links his name to frothy anal discharge. But this doesn't still bother Santorum, does it? Railing against it isn't, say, a part of his stump presence nowadays?

Yeah, it does, and it is:

"So the gay community said, 'He's comparing gay sex to incest and polygamy, how dare he do this,' and they have gone out on a, I would argue, jihad against Rick Santorum since then," the former senator said at a campaign stop in Spartanburg, S.C., on Friday.

Gay Jihad? Well, let's fack-check that. It appears that... no, no people are putting their lives in danger in order to make the occasional Internet joke about Rick Santorum, sorry. But maybe they should?

You can also see him comically yelling about napkins, again, in the clip up top.

[Image via AP]