Newspaper Seeks Models For 'Back-to-School 9/11 Fashion Photo Spread'

It's almost that time of year: 9/11 time. One media outlet would like to commemorate the 10th-anniversary of our national tragedy with a "9/11/back-to-school fashion photo spread," whatever that means.
Here's the listing that went out on Help a Reporter Out, the lazy journalist's favorite way to find sources for stories that they probably shouldn't be considering the first place. Like this fashion spread:
NYC Students Affected by 9/11...
Major media outlet is seeking NYC students who were living in the city during 9/11. Selected students will be in a back-to-school/9-11 fashion photo spread. Please contact for more information.
We're uncertain which media outlet is behind this, exactly. But the contact listed, Danika Fears, did a fashion spread for the New York Daily News in June, so that may very well be it. (Our email inquiry was not immediately answered.)
A 9/11 fashion spread. This is confusing. Is 9/11 a season now? Don't wear white before Memorial Day, and don't wear ashen grey before 9/11. It's heartening to see that we've finally reached the crucial "trivialization" stage of collective grief.
[Image via Getty]