Gawker Media's Biggest Mistakes

Ashley Feinberg · 08/10/16 09:00AM

I’ve had lots of ideas in my time here at Gawker Media, all of them good. I’ve also had countless constructive and fruitful conversations with various editors about my ideas, and I know I’m better for it. However, these same editors have also made mistakes—egregious ones. Fortunately, the advent of the messaging app Slack has allowed for some of these good ideas (and the conversations surrounding them) to be easily found and preserved for posterity. It has also allowed me to pinpoint exactly where this company went wrong.

Obama Stands Alone As 9/11 Families Demand Justice

Muna Mire · 04/18/16 10:44PM

New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio is the latest in a string of high profile politicians to express support for a bill allowing family members of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia in U.S. courts, the Daily News reports. President Obama is scheduled to visit the country, which is deep in turmoil over falling oil prices and the encroaching militant threat of ISIS, on Wednesday. The hope is that the talks will smooth over troubled relations between the two nations.

Wonder if the #NeverTrump PAC Knows About Donald Trump’s Post-9/11 Gift to a Scientology-Adjacent Charity

Brendan O'Connor · 04/13/16 02:40PM

On Tuesday, the #NeverTrump PAC posted an attack ad on Youtube accusing Donald Trump of stealing $150,000 of taxpayer money intended to help small businesses recover from the September 11, 2001, terror attacks. The ad is pretty much correct, but didn’t mention Trump’s other, weirder post-9/11 financial activity: a $1,000 donation to the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Fund, which was co-founded by Tom Cruise and offered firefighters a treatment program designed by the founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard. Here’s how it all went down.

Donald Trump Spun a 9/11 Conspiracy Scenario So Loony It Ended Up Almost True

Tom Scocca · 03/03/16 11:10PM

Asked in tonight’s debate to elaborate on his earlier declaration that the United States should murder the families of terrorists, Donald Trump pivoted to a discourse on the events of 9/11. As with most of Trump’s remarks about the events of 2001 and beyond, it was a collage of the unorthodox, the insane, and the awful but not untrue.

Donald Trump Advocated for Invading Iraq in 2002 Howard Stern Interview

Brendan O'Connor · 02/18/16 10:55PM

Lately, Donald Trump has claimed, repeatedly and emphatically but without providing any evidence, that he opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq not only after it became clear that it was a mistake, but before it even hapened. But in a 2002 interview with Howard Stern, uncovered by BuzzFeed News, when asked whether he would support an Iraq invasion, Trump said that he would. “Yeah I guess so,” Trump replied. “I wish the first time it was done correctly.”

Defense Attorneys Screen Zero Dark Thirty Torture Scenes in Guantanamo War Court

Brendan O'Connor · 02/18/16 10:10PM

In court on Thursday, attorneys for alleged 9/11 conspirator Ammar al Baluchi screened scenes from the film Zero Dark Thirty in support of their argument that the CIA gave filmmakers Kathyrn Bigelow and Mark Boal greater access to evidence in the death-penalty case than the defense lawyers.

Trump: Bush Lied, People Died

Ashley Feinberg · 02/13/16 10:07PM

When you’re already the white supremacist candidate of choice—how do you top yourself? Easily, apparently—just get the truthers behind you. Which is why Trump just went full on “Bush lied, people died.”

Is This a Dick or What?

Ashley Feinberg · 12/03/15 01:01PM

This morning, an all white marble bust of Dick Cheney was unveiled after what amounted to a series of very uncomfortable jokes tip-toeing around the former Vice President’s role in 9/11. It was a beautiful ceremony.

Fox News Anchor Remembers Video of Muslims Celebrating 9/11, Can't Remember If It Was Pakistan or Paterson

Brendan O'Connor · 12/01/15 11:28PM

“So I remember this day, and I stood on the New York side and I watched the plane fly into the tower. I remember the next day, and I remember the news reports, and I remember specifically the news reports about Jersey City. They said people were on the roofs watching the planes fly in. They were tipped off prior to the thing. And this was, this was the narrative that was going on. I remember video, I don’t remember if it was Pakistan or Paterson. But there was also a lot of talk,” Fox News’ Eric Bolling said, at a round table discussion, on Monday.

Hillary Clinton Again Invokes 9/11 to Explain Her Wall Street Fundraising

Alex Pareene · 12/01/15 01:57PM

At a Democratic presidential debate in Iowa last month, Hillary Clinton was challenged to account for the fact that a large proportion of her campaign fundraising haul has come from the financial sector. She responded with a non sequitur about 9/11. Asked to elaborate, she seemed to argue that her popularity in the finance sector is primarily a result of personal relationships developed in the aftermath of that tragedy in lower Manhattan.