In your overcast Monday media column: a new yuppified AP Stylebook, NewsBeast's ad troubles, HuffPo keeps on poaching, Carol Smith to Hearst, and Glamour's iPad revolution.

  • Rejoice, journo-nerds: the new AP Stylebook is out! There are 500 changes, but the one they're touting most highly is the new food section. REAL new entries include "ghee," "locavore," "adobo sauce," "huitlacoche" ("also called corn smut"),"sashimi," and "pear." Pear! Imagine that.
  • Hey, how is the NEW Newsweekbeast doing, ad-wise? "Newsweek's ad pages have declined 34% this year from last year, but fell less sharply — 22.5% — in [Tina Brown's] first nine issues from March 14 onward, according to the Media Industry Newsletter data." So... somewhat less bad, in a sense! Progress!
  • More god damn hires at the voracious Huffington Post! They've poached executive editor Neil Katz and Lori Leibovich, who's worked for Salon. Also, AOL is launching "AOL Industry," which is described as "a new trade media unit covering three sectors, energy, government, and defense." They're coming for you, Jane's Defence Weekly! And you thought it wouldn't happen!
  • Carol Smith, the former publisher of Elle, has been hired by Hearst as the new publisher of Harper's Bazaar. Elle is about to become part of Hearst, too, so Carol Smith can always be walking to their office to "check in," which is something I bet they'll like.
  • The June iPad edition of Glamour features an image of Olivia Wilde "moving and talking directly to you," which is described by Glamour's PR department as a "revolution in magazine content on the iPad." That means you shouldn't masturbate on it, okay? Ladies.

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