
Harper’s Editor-in-Chief Christopher Cox Suddenly Fired After Editing Only Three Issues

J.K. Trotter · 02/02/16 06:47PM

Last fall, Harper’s publisher and CEO John R. MacArthur promoted Christopher Cox, then serving as deputy editor of the 165-year-old literary and political magazine, to editor-in-chief. But this past Friday, less than three months into Cox’s tenure, MacArthur abruptly changed his mind. “I can confirm that I have been terminated from Harper’s Magazine because of editorial differences with the publisher,” Cox wrote in an email to Gawker on Tuesday. “I’m not prepared to say more than that at this time.”

Ads, Editorial, It's All #Content

Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/15 12:11PM

Even in the deep dark depths of the Great Magazine Die-Off a half-decade ago, struggling print magazines did not get so desperate as to breezily stick ads on the cover of their struggling print editions. Hey, times have changed.

Is There a Bill de Blasio Sex Tape?

J.K. Trotter · 12/10/14 12:40PM

Here is an interesting story: The New York Times points out today that the January 2015 issue of Vanity Fair contains a reference to a sex tape depicting New York City mayor Bill de Blasio. Let’s look. First, check out the cover:

I Can't Wait to Work for Candy Crush Magazine

Max Read · 11/17/14 11:58AM

Airbnb, the popular hotel-tax dodging application and apartment-renting service that artists use to gouge tourists and finance their careers, has launched a print magazine, the Times reports. It is called Pineapple (?) and its purpose, it explains in a note to readers, is "to explore our fundamental values: sharing, community and belonging."

Time Inc. Wants the Right to Outsource Most of Its Union Jobs

Hamilton Nolan · 09/04/14 03:05PM

Fading magazine empire Time Inc. is currently trying to negotiate a new contract with the Newspaper Guild, a union that represents several hundred of the company's editorial employees. Time Inc. would like the right to eliminate most of their jobs.

What's Going On at Lucky Magazine?

Allie Jones · 08/11/14 04:17PM

Lucky, the Conde Nast magazine "about shopping," looks like it's turning into a straight-up catalog. In a slightly convoluted press release today, Conde announced that it's spinning off the mag into The Lucky Group, "a wholly independent entity, which brings together Lucky and e-commerce platform, BeachMint." So, a shopping site. But what will happen to the print mag?

The Haughty Old King of Harper's Gets One Thing Right

Hamilton Nolan · 08/11/14 09:06AM

John "Rick" Macarthur is a rich man who is the publisher of Harper's Magazine, a very good magazine that pays employees poorly and does not make money. John MacArthur hates the internet. Like a stopped clock, even John MacArthur is sometimes unintentionally right.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/05/14 03:49PM

Jet magazine, which has been around since 1951, has printed its last issue. It's becoming an app now. Damn, the future is weird.

Hamilton Nolan · 05/22/14 09:10AM

Time Inc. has begun selling ads on the cover of its magazines, "two weeks before Time Inc. begins trading on the New York Stock Exchange as a public company." The technical term for this is "desperation."

Hamilton Nolan · 04/24/14 10:25AM

We hear that Ladies Home Journal is folding, or at least vastly reducing its publication schedule. A tipster tells us the New York office was just informed this morning, and that layoffs are involved. Anyone who knows more, please comment below.