
Melissa Cronin · 11/01/15 12:16PM

An investigation by the Associated Press uncovered some 1,000 U.S. law enforcement officers who lost their badges for incidents of sexual misconduct, including rape, sexual assault, sodomy, child pornography and having intercourse while on duty. The accusations “reflect a betrayal of the badge,” says AP.

Everybody Misreads an AP Tweet, Responds by Getting Super-Pissed at AP

Adam Weinstein · 07/23/14 09:50AM

The Associated Press Twitter account is a must-follow for breaking-news junkies. It's also a great guide to the many ways you can fuck up breaking news. Like when it reported the status this morning of an aircraft carrying the bodies of MH17 victims back to Holland:

The AP Is Acting Panicky and Bizarre

Hamilton Nolan · 10/23/13 08:58AM

Two weeks ago, the AP published a news story alleging serious misconduct by a Virginia gubernatorial candidate. The story was wrong; the AP pulled it after less than two hours. The AP has now fired three journalists as a result. This is insane.

White-Haired Obama Has "Complete Confidence" In Eric Holder

Ken Layne · 05/16/13 12:31PM

Barack Obama and a visiting foreigner just had a press conference, but nobody cares about the other country (Turkey?) because there are scandals afoot in Washington, so everything's about Eric Holder always doing terrible things. Eric Holder is Obama's friend. So he won't be fired unless all of this doesn't go away in the next couple of news cycles.

AP, Tea Party, Bloomberg Clients All Being Monitored Just Like You

Ken Layne · 05/13/13 05:50PM

It's quaint how people still manage to get outraged about surveillance. You are being monitored, right now, just like everybody else with a phone or a computer or a bank account or a pressure cooker, because Total Information Awareness is real. ‘Welcome to America. All of that stuff is being captured as we speak whether we know it or like it or not." Who said that, maybe Alex Jones?

'It's a Simple Legal Reality': Why the Associated Press Is Sticking with the Term 'Illegal Immigrant'

Cord Jefferson · 10/19/12 06:22PM

In the face of mounting pressure from activist campaigns like "Drop the I-Word," the Associated Press announced today that it would continue using the term "illegal immigrants" in its immigration coverage if and when the situation calls for it. Drop the I-Word and its proponents—like journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, himself an illegal immigrant—argue that media outlets using the word "illegal" to describe people is a "racially charged" tactic that "confuses the immigration debate and fuels violence." Critics would rather newspapers and wire services use terms like "undocumented immigrant" or "unauthorized immigrant," instead. Despite those protestations, however, the AP appears to be resolute in its decision.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/02/12 03:20PM

Is this the least interesting AP story of 2012? Christ, let's hope so.

The AP Must Beat Blogs, Demands AP Memo Leaked to Blog

Hamilton Nolan · 12/13/11 03:00PM

You would think that the AP would be satisfied with its status as "last remaining source of non-local 'news' for 95% of American newspapers." But no! Now they want to be kings of the internet, and whatnot, as well.

MSNBC Don't Need No Stinking Olbermann

Hamilton Nolan · 06/29/11 02:19PM

In your beautiful Wednesday media column: MSNBC's doing fine without Olbermann, network news is on the rise, a crazy NY Daily News rumor, the AP plays footsie with North Korea, David Cho to Grantland, and a Village Voice strike update.

New AP Stylebook: Now With More Corn Smut

Hamilton Nolan · 05/16/11 02:10PM

In your overcast Monday media column: a new yuppified AP Stylebook, NewsBeast's ad troubles, HuffPo keeps on poaching, Carol Smith to Hearst, and Glamour's iPad revolution.

Conde Nast on iPad Apps: Eh, What's the Rush?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/22/11 03:04PM

In your breezy Friday media column: Conde Nast forsakes its hasty iPad pursuits, Fred Dicker's still alive, journalists meet Tumblr, TV networks approach pseudoevent overload week, and the AP and its union strike a deal.

Associated Press Drops Hyphen from "Email," finally

Adrian Chen · 03/18/11 02:54PM

Thank ever-loving Christ: The official AP stylebook has dropped the hyphen from "email." The AP will no longer write like your computer science teacher in 1997. Now maybe they can stop capitalizing Internet and the Web.