Suri Cruise Is Katie Holmes' De Facto Stylist

In a new interview with New York magazine, little ol' Katie Holmes admits her precocious paparazzi-bait daughter is better at being famous than she is, perhaps because she's still starstruck with Tom Cruise.
In what one imagines was a highly controlled conversation in which the interviewer was specifically instructed not to bring up the Scientological elephant in the room (Has Tom Cruise sucked your brains through a siphon and offered them to the ghost of L. Ron Hubbard yet?), Katie Holmes reveals that her toddler daughter doubles as a stylist:
Suri and I [alter] her clothes. Or rather, she does it. She says, "I want this sleeve cut," and it's like, "Okay, we'll cut it." She picks out all of her own clothes and has since she was 1½. Tom and I went to the Met ball a couple of years ago, and I had this beautiful red gown and these royal-blue shoes that I wasn't planning on wearing, but Suri made me put them on and so I was like, "Okay, I trust you."
Here's the outfit in question:

It makes more sense when you know a toddler picked it out. Anyway, as much as I'd like to use this interview as a springboard for delving Katie's psyche, it's ultimately inoffensive. The best I can do is the section where she is still starstruck with Tom:
I mean, he's Tom Cruise! His body of work is incredible. Every movie he's done has done really well. I look back, and everything's a classic. I definitely come home and say to him, "So, imagine a scene … how would you play it?" And he's helpful and sweet and gracious. He's quite an incredible human being.
Yawn. Get back to us when you're ready to reveal Scientology's inner workings and Tom's secret gay lovers, Katie. [NYMag, images via and Getty]