Anna Wintour said she wishes the new documentary about her had ventured beyond the offices of Vogue. And no wonder, because it is there that the editor made her ruthless reputation.

It would soften Wintour's image had documentary-maker R.J. Cutler shown, as she wished, Wintour's involvement in a charitable fund for fashion designers, or her attendance at after-hours balls for various other good causes.

Instead, the filmmaker focused in The September Issue on Wintour's magazine duties, and now the editor can't bring herself to directly praise the project.

Who knows: Had Cutler exercised less independence, maybe Wintour would have deigned to remove her trademark sunglasses during the Q&A at Sundance. But the fact that she showed up to the event at all shows she doesn't entirely disapprove of the film.

(Highlights above; full Q&A on YouTube.)