
The Jersey Devil Is Real

Ashley Feinberg · 10/12/15 05:06PM

In the rich and vibrant folklore of the storied lands of South Jersey, the most fascinating creature of all is the fabled Jersey Devil. Now, thanks to a citizen journalist in correspondence with (motto: “True Jersey”), the mystery is solved. At long last, we have proof: The Jersey Devil is real.

Worldwide Octopus Uprising Continues With Aquarium Near-Escape 

Andy Cush · 03/04/15 04:54PM

The beaked and eight-tentacled monsters with which we enjoy a tenuously shared existence on this Earth are no longer content to sit placidly in their tanks and their oceans. Cephalopods the world over are rising up and out of the water, from Australia to the Pacific Northwest, and no land-dweller is safe.

Bad Man: "I am Not Sorry the CIA Waterboarded"

Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/14 12:35PM

Bret Stephens, the deputy editorial page editor for the Wall Street Journal and recipient of the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for Commentary, is a fundamentally bad person, as he explains in his newspaper column today.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/24/14 12:59PM

"Confronted with reports villages near Uranium Corp. of India Ltd.'s mines have unusually high numbers of physically deformed people, Chairman Diwakar Acharya said: 'I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of those guys are imported from elsewhere, ok?'"

Tom Scocca · 06/17/14 10:09PM

"Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many," write Richard Cheney and Liz Cheney in the Wall Street Journal, describing a "willfully blind" foreign policy leading to "thousands of slaughtered Iraqis." They mean Barack Obama. Who else would they mean?

Horrifying and Rare "Goblin Shark" Found off the Coast of Key West

Kelly Conaboy · 05/04/14 02:30PM

Oh good, another thing to fill our nightmares! A rare "goblin shark" was caught by Georgia fisherman Captain Carl Moore about 10 miles off the coast of Key West in April. The last recorded sighting of this species of deep-sea nightmare shark was in 2000.

Kim Jong Un Loves Dolphins

Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/13 12:12PM

Beloved Leader Kim Jong Un, Mighty Nuclear-Equipped Hero King of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Brave Machine-Gunner of Justice, is really into dolphins.