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• Rihanna has a new album to promote, which explains why she's suddenly breaking her silence about the personal troubles she's faced over the past year. She addresses the Chris Brown incident in an interview in the current issue of Glamour. And she'll discuss it again on Thursday when she sits down to an interview with Diane Sawyer on Good Morning America. [People, Sun, Glamour]
• Related: Rihanna attended Mariah Carey's Halloween party the other night, but the two divas refused to exchange a word. [P6]
• Kate Hudson says she quit drinking to get ready for a film role (and not because she's pregnant). She also says the diamond ring she's been wearing is not because she's engaged to A-Rod. (She says she isn't.) [P6]

• Jude Law wanted guests at The Box to leave him alone the other night so that he could flirt and make out with a "very pretty blonde." So he had a club staffer serve as his buffer. Careful Jude, or you could soon have baby number five on the way. [P6]
• Michael Lohan, crazy or crazy-determined? Or both? He says his daughter is taking Adderol, Xanax, Paxil and "looks like she's 100 years old." He also says that despite reports to the contrary, Lindsay has not yet filed for a restraining order against him. [P6, TMZ]
• In other LiLo news, she's denying reports that she hooked up with Gerard Butler in Morocco. [NYDN]
• Courtney Love said she left LA for NYC New York because her ex-employees were staging fake police raids on her house. Another, more likely possibility: These incidents were "attempts by her drug counselor to stage an intervention." [P6]
• Be afraid: Gisele Bundchen has passed the written part of her exam to get her pilot's license. [People]
• A week after The CW let Ashlee Simpson go from Melrose Place, sister Jessica Simpson has risen to her defense on Twitter, calling the show "crap." And if anyone knows crap, it's the woman who starred in Blonde Ambition and Major Movie Star. [TMZ, NYP]
• Fans of gay, emo boys rejoice! Adam Lambert is single again. [NYDN]
• Doug Reinhardt appeared to choke Paris Hilton on Friday night after the couple got into an argument and he tossed her cell phone out of their moving limo. But Paris was unharmed and the phone was returned, so you can take a deep breathe and relax now. [NYP]
• Mischa Barton ran into her Brandon Davis, her ex, at a pre-Halloween party the other night, but they stayed on separate ends of the room, which seems to cast a little doubt on Barton's claim they remain "good friends." [P6]
Twilight co-stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are still claiming they've never head a romantic relationship. Stewart calls the whole thing "so retarded." She also says "nothing about being a celebrity is desirable" and she doesn't "want to be a movie star like Angelina Jolie." Uh, ok. [VF]
Nas is now trying to block Kelis from receiving spousal support, and he's also now seeking joint custody of their two-month old baby. [TMZ]
• You'd think that will all the money Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have, they could afford better workout clothes. You'd also think they'd have realized that it's not a good idea to hold hands while jogging. [3am]
• Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt's new book, How to Be Famous: Our Guide to Looking the Part, Playing the Press and Becoming a Tabloid Fixture, is either a total embarrassment or an elaborate joke. Or both! [MSNBC]
• Jon and Kate Gosselin's nanny has died. She was an older woman (72), so it could have been natural causes. But we're going to assume extreme stress was a complicating factor. [Us]