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Glamour, that bastion of informed debate about "men, sex, love and dating," had their very own dudeblogger, named Mike (aka the Edgy English Teacher, barf), installed after the demise of the oft-mocked Alyssa Shelasky. Mike is (was?) "32, single, living and teaching in LA and looking for love in all the wrong places..." Like the internet! Today, Glamour had to fire him: "We've read your comments, every single one. Our ultimate goal here is to open a productive conversation... clearly, that can't happen when the majority of readers would like to pulverize the blogger. And so, we've decided it's time to move on; as of today, Mike is no longer blogging for us." It's a old story with a bloggy twist: Mike's readers got fed up with his womanizing ways, and lashed out in the comments section. (Does one of the girls he "dated" respond with gritty details in the comments? Yeah. Yeah she totally does.)

I am sensitive!

I have been very shaken up this week. It started when I reported on how I was feeling overly courageous and went on too many outrageous dates. It continued when one of my "extreme" dates decided to give too many details about our wild weekend on the comment board. I have been seeing a new girl almost every night of the week and have never felt so alone. It sucks. Then, to top it all off, my mother called me to check in on her "edgy blogger."

Fast-forward to last night. Miss Smarty Shoes and I were at a really cool concert. The most amazing woman (who was there with her date) was standing next to MSS and ogling me during the entire show. I know that having not shared a single word that what we had was purely physical. Who hasn't felt lust at first sight? So, by the end of the concert I was standing next to MSS and yet I was holding hands with some other dude's date. File this one under missed connections because neither of us exchanged numbers...if you know a woman that was at the Foo Fighters show in LA last night, holding hands with some guy she didn't know, would you please have her get in touch with me?

It's not like there haven't been warning signs throughout Mike's long, tumultuous journey through the blogosphere. "Anonymous Lobbyist" already posted her Don't Date This Man" tale on Jezebel, and a girl he screwed over (in many ways!) wrote a long, damning account to her own blog, now deleted.

Whoops! But we guess this is web democracy (or mob rule?) in action. In one of his very first posts, Mike wrote, "You know how they say you live and learn? Well, the same be could be said about loving—you love and you learn." We're sure that's what he's doing in the wake of his firing... from a Glamour blog. LOL.
