
The Compulsive Oversharers of the Internet: A Field Guide

Sheila · 04/11/08 03:14PM

Some people defend their online blog antics—sharing, bragging, writing, photographing—as simply a way to let their friends and family know what they're up to. Bullshit! The personal blog is a repository for personal vendettas, thinly-veiled sexual conquests, cries for help, intellectual masturbation, and career undermining. In other words, it is a rather stark portrait of your life, filled with Freudian slips. The thing is, being online every day—bloggin' as a self-promotional tool—wears down your boundaries. The things you'd thought you'd never say suddenly seem perfectly fine. Next thing you know, your blog is no longer some sort of branding mechanism. It's a place where you snap photographs of yourself sleeping. We've pointed out some of the most high-profile culprits.

Ex-Glamour Dudeblogger Thinks He'll Write a Book

Sheila · 03/31/08 02:10PM

Practically all of our usual "objects of derision" are in the NYT this week! First, there was the Julia Allison-as-Carrie Bradshaw debacle, with her beta female Mary Rambin pictured, and former Glamour dating blogger (although we once called her a specialblogger) Alyssa Shelasky offering quotes... And now, Mike "Edgy English Teacher" Cherico, the fired Glamour dudeblogger who freaked out women across L.A. county, is featured 'cause he's looking for an agent! For a book! A very, very special book about "the rise and fall of a dating blogger." They quote Alyssa again. (Second verse, same as the first!) "I would say I wrote a blogging column for Glamour, and actresses and models would give me their number," Cherico told the Times. Really? That works? [NYT]

Blogger-hating flack tangles with Penelope Trunk

Owen Thomas · 03/19/08 04:00PM

My inbox is full of people asking who Mike Cherico is. The short version: He's a "dudeblogger" who was fired from Glamour magazine for bragging about womanizing. (Wasn't that what he was hired to do?) But what really entertains me is what happened after self-important PR guy Scott Swords spammed every blogger on the planet with an unsolicited press release decrying Cherico's evil ways. One of the recipients: Former Yahoo columnist Penelope Trunk, who cut the barely literate Swords to ribbons. The release, and Trunk's email exchange, after the jump.

Ex-Glamour Dudeblogger in More Trouble?

Sheila · 03/19/08 01:17PM

Ex-Glamour dudeblogger Mike Cherico, fired for commenter revolt against his braggy-yet-unstable, womanizing ways, might have been a douche in other ways, shockingly: the PR firm representing JE Englebert, owner of Manhattan clubs Suzie Wong's and Prime, says that Cherico was "using Glamour's name and trading his blog articles for personal hook-ups," such as trying to get into a Playboy Mansion party in L.A. and "demanding bottle service" at one of his clubs in Manhattan. True, false, or strategic PR name-placement? We're not sure. The rep says that "the reason we put this out was we seen (sic) all the news and all the media about how he was treating women very wrong." Word!

Glamour Kicks Edgy Dudeblogger to the Curb

Sheila · 03/10/08 12:18PM

Glamour, that bastion of informed debate about "men, sex, love and dating," had their very own dudeblogger, named Mike (aka the Edgy English Teacher, barf), installed after the demise of the oft-mocked Alyssa Shelasky. Mike is (was?) "32, single, living and teaching in LA and looking for love in all the wrong places..." Like the internet! Today, Glamour had to fire him: "We've read your comments, every single one. Our ultimate goal here is to open a productive conversation... clearly, that can't happen when the majority of readers would like to pulverize the blogger. And so, we've decided it's time to move on; as of today, Mike is no longer blogging for us." It's a old story with a bloggy twist: Mike's readers got fed up with his womanizing ways, and lashed out in the comments section. (Does one of the girls he "dated" respond with gritty details in the comments? Yeah. Yeah she totally does.)