Photo: AP

An initial version of Robert O’Harrow Jr.’s extensive history of Hillary Clinton’s email problems, for the Washington Post, stated that at least 147 FBI agents had been assigned to investigate the former secretary of state’s emails. In fact, there are only (“only”) a few dozen.

From the Post:

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this article incorrectly said that Clinton used two different email addresses, sometimes interchangeably, as secretary of state. She used only as secretary of state. Also, an earlier version of this article reported that 147 FBI agents had been detailed to the investigation, according to a lawmaker briefed by FBI Director James B. Comey. Two U.S. law enforcement officials have since told The Washington Post that figure is too high. The FBI will not provide an exact figure, but the officials say the number of FBI personnel involved is fewer than 50.

Democratic officials are anxious to see the investigation completed, one way or another, so as to avoid having to deal with an indictment after the nomination is already decided.