
Chris Christie's Lawyers Hid One of His Personal Email Accounts from the Feds

Brendan O'Connor · 06/29/16 03:13PM

For two-and-a-half years, New Jersey governor Chris Christie has maintained that he provided federal investigators looking into the 2013 George Washington lane closures with complete access to both his personal and government email accounts. According to WNYC, however, new court filings show that this was not actually the case, supporting earlier allegations from two defendants indicted in the scheme that Christie’s lawyers destroyed and withheld evidence.

Report: At Least 147 FBI Agents Are Investigating Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Practices [Updated]

J.K. Trotter · 03/28/16 07:32AM

Since last summer, when U.S. authorities confirmed the presence of classified information in emails sent or received by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton using her private email server, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has tried to determine whether Clinton or any of her subordinates mishandled that information—which under certain circumstances is considered a serious crime. The stakes are so high, in fact, that the F.B.I. has deployed nearly 150 full-time agents to investigate the matter, according to a lengthy report by Robert O’Harrow, Jr. of the The Washington Post:

Emails Show Politico’s Mike Allen Promised Positive Coverage of Chelsea Clinton

J.K. Trotter · 11/24/15 02:15PM

Few journalists are more thoroughly connected to Washington’s power elite than Politico’s Chief White House correspondent Mike Allen. But as newly released emails between the veteran reporter and a former State Department official show, Allen’s coveted access sometimes comes at the cost of his own credibility—as well as Politico’s reputation as an adversarial news outlet.

Former Clinton Aide Lied About Use of Personal Email Account for State Department Business

J.K. Trotter · 10/05/15 11:50AM

Former Hillary Clinton advisor Philippe Reines has emphatically maintained that—unlike his longtime boss—he never used a personal email account to conduct official State Department business. In fact, when Gawker reported earlier this year that Reines was known to use his private email account to communicate with reporters in his role as Clinton’s deputy assistant secretary of state, he replied with a colorful, forceful, and highly specific denial in which he attacked several reporters for even raising the question.

Emails Show Hillary Clinton Fears the Power of Sarah Palin

Sam Biddle · 09/30/15 06:35PM

A newly released email from Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State provides an interesting peek at the loudly, recently LGBT candidate’s private thought process of gender descriptors: they’re not worth the Fox News blowback.

PR Email: Wake Up Early to Hear How to Stop People From Wasting Your Time

Tom Scocca · 09/28/15 02:01PM

Today in public relations: an email providing a “gentle reminder” to RSVP to an unsolicited invitation to go to Midtown at 8:30 a.m. for a publicity event for a book on the subject of “How to Stop Spending Time You Don’t Have with People You Don’t Like Doing Things You Don’t Want to Do.”