
Clinton Campaign Apparently Also Hacked by Russians

Brendan O'Connor · 07/29/16 06:17PM

In an attack that apparently came from a Russian intelligence agency—and that may or may not be related to similar recent cyber attacks on other Democratic party organizations—computer systems tied to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign have been hacked, New York Times and Reuters reported on Friday.

FBI Grills Hillary Clinton About Emails 

Hannah Gold · 07/02/16 02:45PM

The FBI interviewed presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for three-and-a-half hours on Saturday morning as part of its investigation into whether her use of a private email server during her time as Secretary of State broke the law. The interview was conducted at FBI Headquarters in Washington D.C.

Thousands of Local Law Enforcement Agencies Have Failed to File Hate Crime Reports to the FBI for the Past Six Years

Brendan O'Connor · 06/06/16 10:05AM

There are an estimated 250,000 hate crimes a year, but you wouldn’t know it to look at city statistics. According to an Associated Press investigation, about 17 percent of all city and county law enforcement agencies across the country have not submitted a single hate crime report to the FBI’s annual crime tally in the past six years. The majority of the more than 2,700 city police and county sheriff’s departments identified by the AP were located in small towns, but the list also included the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, which represents Portland, Oregon, and departments in Birmingham, Alabama; Jackson, Mississippi; and Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Report: At Least 147 FBI Agents Are Investigating Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Practices [Updated]

J.K. Trotter · 03/28/16 07:32AM

Since last summer, when U.S. authorities confirmed the presence of classified information in emails sent or received by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton using her private email server, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has tried to determine whether Clinton or any of her subordinates mishandled that information—which under certain circumstances is considered a serious crime. The stakes are so high, in fact, that the F.B.I. has deployed nearly 150 full-time agents to investigate the matter, according to a lengthy report by Robert O’Harrow, Jr. of the The Washington Post:

FBI Arrests Nearly Every Single Top Official For Running Insanely Corrupt Tiny Texas Town

Andy Cush · 02/08/16 11:55AM

In the remote town of Crystal City, Texas, the mayor, city manager, mayor pro tempore, a city councilman, and a former councilman were all arrested by federal agents last week. Last month, another councilman was arrested. Crystal City has only three people total on its city council, and the lone remaining councilman was the only official who reported for work at city hall on Friday.

Oregon Governor Asks Federal Government to End Armed Militia Takeover

Sam Biddle · 01/21/16 02:06PM

In two letters drafted yesterday, Governor Kate Brown of Oregon requested direct and immediate help from the White House and Department of Justice to end the militia standoff in her state, calling them “armed criminals” and “[insisting] on a swift resolution” to the occupation.