Photo: AP

On April 15, Politico reports, George and Amal Clooney will host a fundraiser for the Hillary Victory Fund at the Bay Area-home of venture capitalist Shervin Pishevar, of “Uber for Planes” notoriety. To sit at the head table, a couple must contribute or raise $353,400.

If a couple only hits $100,000, they get into the “host reception,” featuring the Clinton and the Clooneys. Individual tickets cost $33,400 and get you a photo with the Democratic frontrunner.

Funds raised by the event don’t go directly into Clinton’s coffers: The Hillary Victory Fund (despite its rather specific name) is a joint fundraising committee that technically includes the Democratic National Committee and 32 state party committees.

Those committees joined up at Clinton’s behest. “It’s time to rebuild our party from the ground up,” she said at the DNC’s summer meeting in Minneapolis last August. “When our state parties are strong, we win.” As the Washington Post reported last month:

A record 32 state parties signed on to the fund, allowing the committee to solicit donations 130 times greater than what a supporter can give to Clinton’s campaign for the primary.

But the states have yet to see a financial windfall. Meanwhile, Clinton’s campaign has been a major beneficiary, getting an infusion of low-dollar contributions through the committee at a time when rival Bernie Sanders’s army of small donors is helping him close in on her financially. The fund is run by Clinton campaign staff, and its treasurer is Clinton’s chief operating officer.

A 2014 Supreme Court ruling allowed changes in campaign finance law that increased the amount an individual can contribute to such committees tenfold.

By the end of 2015, the Hillary Victory Fund had raised nearly $27 million, the Post reported. Two thirds of the fund’s $6.4 million operating costs went to two Washington, D.C.-based vendors that work for Clinton. When and how money is transferred from the fund to the DNC and the states is at the “sole discretion” of the fund’s treasurer, Elizabeth Jones, who is also the Clinton campaign’s COO.