
Zephyr Teachout Challenges Secretive Republican Financiers to Debate

Brendan O'Connor · 08/16/16 09:05AM

On Monday, Zephyr Teachout, the Fordham Law professor running for Congress in New York’s 19th Congressional District as a Democrat, is looking past her Republican rival John Faso to the men backing him: the secretive Republican financiers Paul Singer and Robert Mercer.

Donald Trump Begins to Grovel

Brendan O'Connor · 08/09/16 09:02AM

Donald Trump has always insisted that he can’t be bought: A key aspect of his appeal is the independence granted by his purportedly vast wealth. And while Hillary Clinton is also demonstrably wealthy, Trump continues to insist that she is not only corruptible but corrupt. “She’s got to do right for her donors,” he told voters at a rally in Ohio last week. “I’m going to do right for you.” His refusal to disclose his tax returns and his disingenuous explanation for why he can’t do so, however, put the lie to this claim—as does his refusal, now, to disclose the names of people who are helping him close the fundraising gap.

Trump Campaign Just Pulling Meaningless Fundraising Numbers Out of Thin Air at This Point

Brendan O'Connor · 07/07/16 12:25PM

On Thursday, the Trump campaign announced that it raised $51 million in the last week of May and the month of June—$26 million for the campaign itself and $25 million for the RNC. While there is no reason to doubt, necessarily, the accuracy of these numbers—and they are obviously a vast improvement over the campaign’s abysmal $3.1 million May fundraising efforts—it is important to remember they do not represent anything close to a full accounting of the campaign’s financial health.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/23/16 03:29PM

In Washington, DC, where 37% of residents are white, 62% of donors to the last mayoral race were white. In Chicago, where 39% of residents are white, 94% of donors to Rahm Emanuel’s mayoral campaign were white.

Republican Financiers Aren't Sure Where to Send Their Money Because the Trump Campaign Keeps Disavowing Super PACs

Brendan O'Connor · 05/16/16 07:23AM

Since he declared his candidacy for president, a number of “scam PACs” have taken advantage of the havoc Donald Trump—who needs to raise $1 billion if he wants to even be competitive in the general election—has wrought upon the Republican donor class. Now, as more of these groups insinuate themselves into the fundraising chaos, the financiers who have resigned themselves to a Trump candidacy aren’t sure where to send their money.

Donald Trump Can Be Bought

Brendan O'Connor · 05/12/16 12:20PM

On Tuesday, Donald Trump told the Associated Press that he doesn’t plan to release his tax returns before the presidential election in November. “There’s nothing to learn from them,” he said. Then, on Wednesday, he said he would release them. “I’ll release. Hopefully before the election I’ll release,” he told Fox News. “And I’d like to release.” (Doesn’t seem like it.) “You learn very little from a tax return,” he added. Maybe, but you learn a lot from someone’s ambivalence about releasing them.

The Clinton Campaign Is Keeping a Lot of That "Joint" Fundraising Money For Itself

Brendan O'Connor · 05/02/16 11:40AM

Just before launching the rather specifically-named Hillary Victory Fund, ostensibly formed to help “rebuild” the Democratic Party “from the ground up,” Hillary Clinton declared, “When our state parties are strong, we win. That’s what will happen.” According to Politico, however, less than 1 percent of the $61 million raised by the fund has remained with the state parties.

Silicon Valley Loves Bernie Sanders

Brendan O'Connor · 02/09/16 10:21PM

Almost half of the top 20 employers whose workers contributed to the Sanders campaign last year were companies in Silicon Valley, the Wall Street Journal reports, including Google, Apple, and Microsoft. He received almost $105,000 from employees of the five largest tech firms in the last three months of 2015.