
All the Best Gossip from Esquire's Jared Kushner Profile

Brendan O'Connor · 08/18/16 09:25AM

Amid Donald Trump’s spasmodic summer, one member of his campaign (and family) has received a growing amount of positive—or at least not explicitly negative—press: Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Today, however, Esquire has published a long and excellent profile with lots of good dirt, all about who is this smiling fellow who through his narrow greed and ambition has sold out his faith for a suicide ride on the Trump train.


Brendan O'Connor · 08/18/16 08:10AM

Andrew Breitbart Would Have Loved the Trump Campaign

Alex Pareene · 08/17/16 04:55PM

The legacy of Andrew Breitbart, the late founder of the Breitbart News Network, has been invoked repeatedly during this election cycle, mainly by people who insist that he would not have allowed his media outlet to have become a sort of house organ of the Donald Trump campaign. Former Breitbart contributor Ben Shapiro, who resigned from the site in March, has been particularly adamant that the site’s support for Trump is a betrayal of all that Breitbart the man stood for.

Donald Trump to Propose Ideological Tests for Immigrants

Brendan O'Connor · 08/15/16 08:15AM

In a speech on Monday, Donald Trump is expected to propose the institution of a new, ideological test that immigrants to the United States would be required to take, the Associated Press reports, so as to determine their positions on social issues like religious freedom, gender equality and gay rights. In any case where it cannot perform adequate screenings, the U.S. would not issue a visa.

Report: Secret Ledger Lists $12 Million to Trump Campaign Chief From Pro-Russian Party in Ukraine

Hudson Hongo · 08/14/16 10:10PM

According to The New York Times, handwritten papers recovered from the office of Ukraine’s former ruling party list $12.7 million in cash payments to Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s current campaign manager, between 2007 and 2012. The Times previously reported on consulting services Manafort provided for the pro-Russian party of deposed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, but his earnings from the work are not known.

News Organizations Ask NY State Supreme Court to Unseal Trump's 1990 Divorce Records

Brendan O'Connor · 08/12/16 10:40AM

On Thursday, the New York Times and USA Today parent company Gannett requested that the New York State Supreme Court unseal records from Donald Trump’s contentious 1990 divorce with Ivana Trump. During one deposition, Ivana reportedly accused Trump of sexual assault. The divorce ended in a settlement agreement, and Ivana has endorsed Donald’s candidacy, denying that he ever assaulted her.