Photo: AP

Hey, everybody, Ted Cruz has a new joke about trans people using the bathroom and guess what? It’s gross as hell!

At a campaign rally in Indiana on Saturday, Ted Cruz offered up a “simple” analogy for those who find the controversy over North Carolina’s bigoted, anti-trans bathroom law “very confusing.”

“Even if Donald Trump dresses up as Hillary Clinton, he shouldn’t be using the girl’s restroom,” said Cruz to cheers and applause.

From ABC News:

Cruz then laughed, apologizing to the audience for giving them the image of “Donald in a bright blue pantsuit.”

“But let me just say to Jimmy Fallon and ‘The Tonight Show,’ please give us that image,” Cruz said.

Cruz, it seems, thinks denying trans people access to use the appropriate bathroom is a serious issue about child predators. Except, of course, for when it’s a big joke about fellas in lady clothes.