
Andrew Breitbart Would Have Loved the Trump Campaign

Alex Pareene · 08/17/16 04:55PM

The legacy of Andrew Breitbart, the late founder of the Breitbart News Network, has been invoked repeatedly during this election cycle, mainly by people who insist that he would not have allowed his media outlet to have become a sort of house organ of the Donald Trump campaign. Former Breitbart contributor Ben Shapiro, who resigned from the site in March, has been particularly adamant that the site’s support for Trump is a betrayal of all that Breitbart the man stood for.

Vote for One of These Underdog Candidates This Election Day

Eve Peyser · 08/12/16 11:05AM

I am so done with this election and its scandals. Between Benghazi and kicking a baby out of a rally, I can’t vote for either of the two major candidates in good conscience. So what do I do come November 1st? I’m a patriot, and thus it is my duty to exercise my fundamental right as an American citizen and vote. Plus I heard if you don’t vote, you die.

Susan Collins Is an Asshole

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/16 08:19AM

Maine Senator Susan Collins, the dictionary definition of “Olde-Timey Moderate Republican,” is making headlines today for her announcement that she won’t vote for Donald Trump. Wow—give her a fucking medal, why don’t we?

Hillary Clinton Lists Her Black Friends

Ashley Feinberg · 08/05/16 01:36PM

For the first time in months, Hillary Clinton has actually agreed to take questions from the press. Granted, this wasn’t an actual press conference but an appearance at the National Association for Black and Hispanic Journalists convention in Washington, as off-the-cuff as she’s likely to get. Which is why we got to hear two minutes of Hillary Clinton listing her many black friends.

The Only Woman Fit for President Trump's Cabinet Is Ivanka Trump

Ashley Feinberg · 08/05/16 10:00AM

Speaking to an NBC affiliate in Jacksonville, Florida, Donald Trump was pressed (by a former employee) to name a few of the women he might place on his cabinet when he ascends the throne. The only women Trump seems capable of naming on the spot? His beloved daughter, Ivanka Trump and—oh, I don’t know. How about you. Holding the microphone. Yeah, you’ll do.

Sources: "Dumb-Dumb" Trump to Blame For Campaign Disarray

Ashley Feinberg · 08/04/16 12:20PM

Speaking under the condition of anonymity, sources familiar with the Donald Trump campaign revealed to Gawker their many frustrations with the campaign’s current path. One source even went so far as to venture, “He’s probably going to lose.”

Donald Trump Had No Idea Where He Was Yesterday

Jordan Sargent · 08/03/16 12:20PM

A lot happened at Donald Trump’s rally in Ashburn, Va. yesterday. Trump was gifted a Purple Heart, leading him to say that he “always wanted to get the Purple Heart” but “this was much easier.” He later kicked a screaming baby out of the rally. But that Trump is a shortcutting egotist who will lower himself to the level of a screaming child isn’t exactly a surprise. More telling is that Trump’s speech at the rally revealed a complete lack of knowledge about where he was.

Rand Paul Has More Than $300,000 in Unpaid Bills From Failed Presidential Bid 

Hannah Gold · 07/31/16 03:40PM

The Lexington Herald-Leader reported on Saturday that the Republican Senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul, has yet to pay off $301,108 in debt accrued during his failed presidential bid, according to his most recent Federal Elections Commission filing, on June 30. Poor Rand only has $2,558 in cash on hand to balance his debts, at present.

Why No Beyonce at the DNC? 

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/16 01:06PM

The Democratic convention in Philly featured “celebrities” including Eva Longoria, Elizabeth Banks, and Lena Dunham. Why no Beyonce?

The Hedge Fund Candidate

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/16 09:53AM

As we leave the “Feel-Good Personality Propaganda Celebration” period of the campaign and move into the part where we think about the stuff that may or may not actually get done, here is a relevant data point.