
Family of Kalief Browder to Sue New York City for $20 Million

Jason Parham · 08/07/15 03:17PM

In early June, Kalief Browder, the Bronx native who battled mental health issues after spending three violent years in jail at Rikers Island without ever being convicted of a crime, committed suicide. His family, who believe Browder would still be alive had he not been subjected to “systemic and agonizing mental and physical abuse tantamount to torture” by officers employed by the NYC Department of Corrections, are suing the city of New York for $20 million.

Hamilton Nolan · 08/06/15 10:30AM

A developer is planning to build Brooklyn’s first 1,000-foot condo tower, which could be nearly as tall as the Empire State Building, and will sell fabulously expensive apartments to all the billionaires who want to live in Downtown Brooklyn next to a bunch of Modell’s.

Sketchy Bar Claims Tape Shows "90% Chance" Employee Didn't Rape Customer

Jay Hathaway · 08/05/15 03:38PM

A 25-year-old woman says she was drugged and raped at Lower East Side bar Happy Ending last Tuesday night by an employee who has since been fired. After spending 10 hours dealing with NYPD officers who, she says, kept suggesting she had “led him to believe it was okay,” she suffered additional indignity at the hands of Happy Ending itself: a spokesperson for the bar claimed CCTV showed “a 90 percent chance it was consensual behavior.”

Hamilton Nolan · 07/16/15 10:20AM

The city of New York granted $66 million in tax breaks to the developers of the One57 luxury condo tower, where billionaires inhabit apartments costing up to $100 million apiece. This is known as “a ripoff,” or, if you like, “economic development.”

Let the Homeless Have the Parks

Hamilton Nolan · 07/10/15 10:29AM

From time to time, New York City’s reactionary elements decide to villainize the homeless by casting them as menaces to the quality of life of decent folks. Our parks—our precious public parks—are full of homeless people, you see. Well? Good.

Ladies and Gentlemen, It's Time to Panic

Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/15 11:23AM

Have you noticed anything odd going on this morning? Oh yes. Let us be the first to tell you that the time to panic is upon us.

"Fuck Forever" Shirt Throws Yale Club Into Mannered Turmoil 

Hamilton Nolan · 06/17/15 08:43AM

You oafish hillbillies who spend your time reading may not realize this, but respectable people who went to respectable schools like Yale have their very own high class private clubs in Manhattan. Do not sully them with your tasteless “novelty” t-shirts!

Hamilton Nolan · 06/15/15 11:55AM

A New York State Supreme Court judge has ruled that Brooklyn’s Pierhouse development—an expensive luxury condo that blocks the public’s view of the Brooklyn Bridge—is not technically illegal, though he conceded that the building could be considered an aesthetic monstrosity.

NYC Skywriter Accidentally Describes Yacht Party Attendees Accurately

Andy Cush · 06/08/15 02:05PM

On Saturday, I joined a few neighbors on the stoop in front of my apartment in gazing toward the sky. “NERO, like from Rome,” said a precocious middle-schooler, referring to the skywriting in progress southwest of our neighborhood. “I don’t know,” an adult countered, European history understandably less fresh in her mind. “I think it says NERD.” I thought so, too.