The past decade has seen New York City go from a city with an economically mixed landscape to a city in which the rich have burst forth into every last neighborhood. Except three.

The Community Service Society of New York has produced a study of how rents have changed in every neighborhood in NYC between the years of 2002 and 2014. Unsurprisingly, the largest increases have come in neighborhoods that have, in the past decade, gone from Places Most White People Are Scared to Go To to Places Most White People Are Scared to Go To Without Reservations Because the Brunch Lines Can Be Absolutely Insane. Harlem rents were up by 90%; Bed-Stuy rents rose by 63%. Citywide, the number of apartments affordable to low-income New Yorkers declined by close to 45%

In fact, over the past 12 years rents have increased in every single NYC neighborhood—except for three. It is true, fellow urbanites: there are three neighborhoods in this gentrifying city that are actually cheaper than they were the year that Khia dropped “My Neck, My Back.”

Without further ado, we hereby reveal the LEAST gentrifying neighborhoods in New York City:

  • Canarsie, Brooklyn (-1%)
  • Bay Ridge, Brooklyn (-3%)
  • South Shore, Staten Island (-5%)

See you there!

[Photo via Flickr; chart via CSSNY]

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