
7 Dead, Hostages Taken in Michigan Shooting Spree

Seth Abramovitch · 07/07/11 07:46PM

A shooting spree in Grand Rapids, Michigan, has left seven dead, including one child. The suspect, 34-year-old Rodrick Dantzler (pictured), is currently holed up in an apartment with at least one hostage.

What To Do When a Moth Crawls Inside Your Ear

Seth Abramovitch · 06/28/11 11:59PM

Thanks to the unfortunate luck of 12-year-old Wade Schlote of Colorado, we now have a clear protocol on what to do when a moth crawls into your ear as you sleep, painfully lodging itself deep inside your ear canal and refusing to die. Take note.

'It's All Good,' Says Guy Who Missed $319 Million Jackpot

Hamilton Nolan · 04/01/11 09:28AM

The dude who decided not to get in on his usual office lottery pool on the very day that it hit a $319 million jackpot is SPEAKING OUT and TELLING HIS STORY, so that even the most miserable of us shall be able to put a face to our "at least I'm not that guy" self-reassurances. His name is Michael Kosko, he's an I.T. worker in Albany, and he "didn't have two singles" to chuck in the pool that day. And he declined to take a $2 loan from a coworker. Bummer.

Yes, There Might Be a Snake in Your Toilet

Max Read · 03/29/11 08:24PM

A seven-year-old girl in Germany discovered seven-foot boa constrictor in her toilet, according to police. The snake was likely a former pet that had escaped into the sewer system; animal control officers apparently snapped the above photo before it slithered off to make more psychologists in the future very rich. The girl is, as far as we know, safe. The takeaway from this story (and a similar one from the Bronx last year) is: Always look in the toilet bowl before you sit down. [German Herald; AFP via The Daily What]

City Worker's Harrowing Tale: My Boss's Voice Made Me Puke

Hamilton Nolan · 02/15/11 10:21AM

Gather round, children, and listen to the terrifying tale of New York City Housing Authority employee Anthony Dingle: in his workplace of woe, poor Anthony lived in a constant state of dread, fearing the evil cackle of his shrewish supervisor. Career—or calamity? This, we tell you, is a story of the darkest depths of distress and dejection. The story of a man whose boss's voice made him puke.

NYPD Getting New, More Bone-Rattling Siren

Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/11 12:37PM

Tired of high-pitched sirens disturbing the quiet peace of the quaint, idyllic burg in which you chose to make your home—New York, NY? Good news. The NYPD is switching from its old screeching siren to a new brand of siren called The Rumbler. It's better because it rumbles!

Screaming Baggage Handler Narrowly Escapes Becoming a Popsicle

Hamilton Nolan · 02/09/11 11:07AM

A US Airways flight from DC to Hartford was all set to take off Monday when—hey, do you hear a sort of muffled, thumping, screaming sound? Yes. Yes, definitely. The passengers did in fact hear that sound. It was a baggage handler who'd been locked in the cargo hold under the plane, by one of his colleagues, by accident. Whoops! Could be a very tense situation at the workplace, after that. The baggage handler got out though, and was fine (physically). The plane got off on time! It could have been worse.

You Must Have Faith That Tomorrow Will Be Different

Hamilton Nolan · 02/02/11 05:20PM

The Way We Live Now: requesting a do-over. We made our best guess, and it didn't work out. Let's run it back. Let's try again. Let's make a different bet. Let's get a refund, and re-invest! Repay us, immediately!

Behold the Creepiest Vintage Commercial Ever

Matt Cherette · 01/12/11 04:42PM

Maybe advertising was different in the 1970s—when this commercial for Fig Newtons made its debut—but I honestly cannot fathom why Nabisco would think that this creepy-as-all-hell ad would make anyone want to buy anything. Like, ever. Watch inside.

Man Survives Being Sucked Into Sausage Seasoning Machine

Adrian Chen · 05/23/10 11:09AM

A Massachusetts man was cleaning a "vacuum-type machine" used to season sausages. Then it turned on, sucking up his head and shoulders. He was helped out and is OK, but he'll never look at a brat the same way. [AP]