
Swastika Crop Circle Is World's Worst Corn Maze

Maureen O'Connor · 08/25/10 03:00PM

Well, this is embarrassing for the Bavarian town of Aßling: Someone trampled a swastika the size of a tennis court into a cornfield there. Now everyone who flies over think they're neo-Nazis. Unless they think alien neo-Nazis did it?

Jesse James: My Nazi Hat Came from a Jew

Maureen O'Connor · 04/01/10 12:46AM

Sandra Bullock's cheating husband says a photo of him wearing a Nazi hat and doing a Nazi salute isn't anti-semitic because the hat was a "gag gift" from a Jew, and he once vacationed on a kibbutz.

Sandra Bullock's Husband's Neo-Nazi Friends

Maureen O'Connor · 03/20/10 02:10PM

Jesse James' mistress did a sexy Nazi photo shoot and reportedly has White Power mementos on her skin and in her home. His ex-wife is married to a reported skinhead. How many neo-Nazis can you date without being one?

The Long Internet Trail of James Von Brunn

Pareene · 06/10/09 04:18PM

Who taught 89-year-old neo-Nazi killer James Von Brunn how to use the internet? Isn't it weird how much of a net presence he had, for a century-old lunatic? We have his (surprisingly postmodern) art and his weird forum posts.