Sandra Bullock's cheating husband says a photo of him wearing a Nazi hat and doing a Nazi salute isn't anti-semitic because the hat was a "gag gift" from a Jew, and he once vacationed on a kibbutz.

"I once vacationed on a kibbutz" is the new "Some of my best friends are black."

Reality star and A-list husband James—who is now in rehab for undisclosed "personal issues"—released a statement through his lawyer denying anti-semitism. CNN explains,

The hat may have been in poor taste, but it was given to James as a gag gift by his Jewish godfather, attorney Joe Yanny said.

Possessing Nazi memorabilia does not make someone a neo-Nazi, he said.

As evidence that James is no anti-Semite, Yanny said James lived for nearly a month in an Israeli kibbutz. His lawyer would not disclose what kind of treatment the famous motorcycle designer is seeking.

Yanny adds that "99 percent" of the gossip about Jesse James is untrue—so which 1 percent is true? My vote: "Vanilla gorilla." [CNN via GlasgowRose]