The internet is full of strange people. Corinna Burt may be the strangest. The prominent white supremacist is an undertaker, bodybuilder, and former torture porn star. By phone, she discussed her unusual life and how racism "saved her" from porn.

Corinna Luray Burt is "the most prominent National Socialist Movement organizer in the Pacific Northwest," according to a watchdog group that monitors the activities of the neo-Nazi organization. She's been photographed in Nazi uniform on countless occasions. She's given presentations with titles like "Treblinka Was Not a Death Camp." But under a different name—"Cori Lou"—she has been whipped, gagged, bound, flogged, and electrocuted on camera.

Burt's porn-filled past was recently the subject of a series of articles by anti-fascist groups in the Portland area. By phone, though, Corinna tells us she's "puzzled" by the articles outing her past life as a hardcore torture porn star. (And bodybuilder, and undertaker.) "I didn't consider this to be some sort of secret," she explains. "I raise gerbils, too," she adds. She's a renaissance woman from hell.

Corinna's voice is cheerful, her accent folksy. She comes across as sweet—until she begins to describe her life as a Holocaust-denying cremation enthusiast who believes she belongs to "the master race."

Not that she can't put on a brave face when she's forced to be around people of different backgrounds. "With bodybuilding, we're all backstage, and bodies bump sometimes, you know? It's just like working in the funeral service. Obviously people are going to seek your services, and it won't always be people who are white," she says. "I'm sure when you're in contact with people you do not like, for writing and what you do, you stay professional, too."

Corinna wasn't always into white power, bodybuilding, and porn. As a young woman, she considered funeral services her calling. "It seemed like the most fascinating thing in the world, the embalming process." (She continues to work at a funeral home in the Portland area.) She cannot pinpoint the exact moment she became a Nazi, but says it came from "dealing everyday with victims of senseless violence, and seeing who the perpetrators were." Who were they? "Illegal immigrants. People with Mexican names, I would see it in the newspaper."

So she joined, a white pride message board, under the name NorwayLuray. She rose through the ranks of the National Socialist Movement, marching in uniform at white supremacist rallies alongside those who advocate "White Revolution." She later made her devotion to the movement permanent and had two swastikas, Hitler's face, and the phrase "Sieg Heil" tattooed on her body. She also had the movement's "fourteen words"—"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"—tattooed around her right ankle.

Click to viewBut as Cori Lou, the White Aryan woman posed naked, bound, gagged, and tortured with electrodes. One movie depicts a "girl next door with a great curvy hard body built for punishment. One kinky little slut we shocked her ass with the Folsom unit and whipped the hell out of her." In it, a man whips, flogs, and electrocutes Corinna. Her hands bound with a leather strap, she cries, or at least pretends to for the sake of the camera. (If you really want to see it, the nightmare-inducing links are here and here, but we do not recommend it.)

Corinna says white pride inspired her to quit porn. "If we consider ourselves a master race then we have to act like a master race, not degenerates," she says. "I credit my involvement with the NSM and my awakening racial consciousness as what got me out of the porn industry for good. I have no desire to return, though I admit 'Nazi Girls Gone Wild' has a nice ring to it." She says she walked out on her last photo shoot in late 2009.

I asked Corinna if her Nazi friends know about the time she deep-throated a turgid black cock on camera. Aghast, she protests that she has "never done interracial porn." As it dawns on her that I have misinterpreted a "fake depiction" with a rubber phallus, she laughs and chides me for being naive. "It doesn't look real, does it? I guess I didn't really look at it that way, that the dark color could be skin."

Unlike pornography, Corinna believes bodybuilding to be well-suited to her supremacist beliefs. On her bodybuilding blog, she credits her "genetics" for helping her "to quickly pack on muscle!" Nonetheless, she covers her tattoos for competitions:

I cover tattoos (or tried to!) because offensive tattoos may sway judges' opinions and because I want the audience focused on my appearance and not the tattoos. Plus tattoos in general can interfere with muscle symmetry so it's a good practice to hide them if you can. I'm definitely not the only racialist in the sport. I think the more well-known you become in the fitness industry, the more you are encouraged to hide that part of your background.

Her background also includes a rather liberal upbringing in the Portland area. Corinna's parents, she says, voted for Obama and disapprove of her "racialist" beliefs. Nonetheless, she's raising her daughters—ages six and eight—to "marry white men and have white children."

Corinna is quick to point out that despite what local activists have said about her in recent weeks, she's no longer a leader of her local chapter of the Nationalist Socialist Movement. But she says she still supports the group's work and mission.

So if rising through the ranks of the white supremacist movement and porn have been ruled out, what will she focus her energy on now?

Her dream, she writes wistfully in her blog, is to be photographed for Muscle & Fitness magazine. In the meantime, one of her favorite things to do is choreograph routines for bodybuilding showcases.

"It would be nice if they allowed props," she writes. "I'd love to go out in combat boots one day!"

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More photos of Corinna Burt are below.