Raised in a family of liberal Democrats, all of whom voted for Obama, Corinna Luray Burt joined the white pride movement late in life.

She credits white pride message board Stormfront.org for connecting her to the National Socialist Movement, America's leading neo-Nazi group.

Corinna says white pride inspired her to quit the porn industry. "If we consider ourselves a master race then we have to act like a master race, not degenerates."

Bodybuilding is a newer hobby for Corinna. She credits her "genetics" for helping her "to quickly pack on muscle."

She has five tattoos, four of which are "white nationalist tattoos." The fifth one is a flower.

She posted a photograph of her newest tattoo on Stormfront.org. It's a white nationalist slogan called the Fourteen Words: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

Most recently, Corinna partook in a National Socialist Movement rally in Los Angeles. The group was there to protest Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's stance on immigration.