
Popular Lesbian Rapper Criticized for Homophobia

Danny Gold · 02/13/12 09:03PM

Out Magazine just published a profile on Odd Future member and one half of internet sensation The Internet, Syd the Kyd. The 19-year-old producer/artist has been with the collective since it first started gaining attention. She's also firmly stood by group leader Tyler, The Creator when he's been accused of misogyny and homophobia.

Rapper Known For Sexually Explicit Songs Advises Teens On Sexually Explicit Behavior, Offends (UPDATED)

Danny Gold · 02/13/12 07:29PM

Rapper Too Short has had a moderately successful music career for more than two decades. He has not strayed far from the formula that made him famous: rhyming about sex. Specifically, how to get sex, how to have sex, how much he enjoys having sex, how much sex he has, and so forth. I was going to post up song titles to further reiterate my point, but most of the titles are too graphic, even for Gawker. You can pretty much do a madlibs line involving the words "pimp," "hoe," various body parts, and some familiar and not so familiar euphemisms for sexual acts. You get it. We can move on.

The Hater's Guide to Karmin

Max Read · 02/11/12 11:00AM

Who's that making Saturday Night Live even worse this weekend? Why, it's insufferable novelty rap-cover duo Karmin. Who? you ask. Allow us to explain.

Best Classified Ad of All Time Seeks Metal Band Mates, No Blacks

Danny Gold · 02/10/12 08:02PM

Former Mudslide (I guess that's a band that existed?) frontman Steve Thunderbolt is ready to rock your face off with a new project he's putting together, and this is your golden opportunity to be a part of it. IT'S ONLY BEEN ATTEMPTED ONCE BEFORE IN THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF MUSIC! He may have blond hair, but he doesn't do glam songs: he's all thrash and metal. Just one thing: no blacks allowed, so don't even bother to respond if you're black. He's not racist, though. It's just a drugs and safety issue, as he practices in his home.

Bon Iver Turn Down Grammys in Favor of Whining

Louis Peitzman · 02/04/12 02:48PM

Indie folk fans tuning in to the Grammys — gotta be some overlap there, right? — will be disappointed to learn Bon Iver will not be performing. The Hollywood Reporter has some choice quotes from frontman Justin Vernon, who spoke to press on Thursday night at a Bushmills whiskey event in New York. Vernon's musical talent is apparent, but he could use some work on not sounding like a complete tool. Turns out his frustration with the Grammys stems from Bon Iver being asked to perform with — horror of all horrors — another group.

Shocker: Rapper Who Talks About Her 'Cunt Getting Eaten' by Girls Is Bisexual

Hamilton Nolan · 02/02/12 11:38AM

Azealia Banks is the smiley young crush object of certain internet types due in no small part to lyrics like, "Kick it with ya bitch that come from Parisian/ She know where I get mine from, end of season/ Now she wanna lick my plum in the evening/ And fit that tongue-tongue d-deep in/ I guess that cunt gettin eaten." She's also harboring a deep, dark secret, revealed for the first time officially in John Ortved's New York Times profile of her today:

Feeling Old at the Skrillex Show

Adrian Chen · 02/01/12 05:32PM

Want to feel old? Listen to some Skrillex. Want to feel really old? You should have been at the first of Skrillex's four New York City shows, late last night at Webster Hall in Manhattan.

Newt Gingrich Not Allowed to Use "Eye of the Tiger," Says Guy Who Wrote "Eye of the Tiger"

Emma Carmichael · 01/31/12 05:01PM

The long, proud tradition of aging rock stars suing republican candidates for using their songs on the trail continued today. Frank Sullivan, Survivor's only true survivor and co-author of the song "Eye of the Tiger," filed a lawsuit against Newt Gingrich, who has taken to entering political rallies while the Rocky theme blasts on the PA system.

Mitt Romney Needs to Stop Singing Immediately

Max Read · 01/31/12 11:40AM

Mitt: please stop singing. It's not so much that you're a bad singer, it's just that President Obama is both pretty good and has better song selection. Also it's that you're a bad singer. Also it's that you're the most impossibly awkward human being to walk planet earth. My girlfriend has to hide her face when you start talking, Mitt. Just watch yourself (above, singing "America the Beautiful"; below, "Happy Birthday").

Lana Del Rey's Been All Lana Del Rey Before

Leah Beckmann · 01/30/12 06:27PM

January has not been kind to Lana Del Rey. Post-SNL and in the lead-up to the release of her debut album, Born To Die, Del Rey could be heard prattling through the halls of the Internet, mumbling her last rites. Article after article, tweet after tweet, the witch hunt grew.

A Theory As to Why So Many People on the Internet Have an Insatiable Crush on Azealia Banks

Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/12 12:03PM

I think it's because she talks about oral sex just as much as Lil Kim but instead of Biggie in the background there's some kinda nerdy guy and so some people on the internet do a double take and say "The pretty smiling dancing girl in pigtails and short shorts who loves oral sex sometimes hangs out with kinda nerdy guys? Ah HMMMM."