Sony Apologizes for Raising Houston Album Prices, Being a Record Label, Basically

Sony Music has issued an apology for hiking the prices of two of Whitney Houston's greatest hit compilations in the hours following her death, the New York Times reports.
"Whitney Houston product was mistakenly mispriced on the U.K. iTunes store on Sunday. When discovered, the mistake was immediately corrected. We apologize for any offense caused."
Early Sunday, the price of Whitney Houston's "The Ultimate Collection," jumped 60 percent on iTunes in Britain, from $7.85 to about $12.50; the price of Houston's "The Greatest Hits," was raised from about $12.50 to $15.67.
Swift Internet backlash followed the news of the price hikes, as the label was accused of "cashing-in" on Houston's unexpected death.
The Times spoke, off-record, to two Sony Music executives who laid the blame for the incident at the feet of a miserly, cold-hearted Brit who has forgotten how to love.
According to two executives at Sony Music, who were not authorized to speak publicly about the matter, the price increase was the result of an error by a Sony employee in Britain. …The company gave no orders for prices to be raised on Ms. Houston's music.
[Image via Getty]