
NYPD Shuts Down A, C, B, D Trains for Escaped Prisoner Manhunt

Max Read · 05/06/13 11:35AM

New Yorkers! If you were planning on taking the A, C, B or D trains this afternoon, you may want to reconsider, since an escaped prisoner is maybe also commuting on those trains, and police have shut them down in order to find him.

New York City Subway in Movies of the '70s and '80s

Maggie Lange · 05/03/13 09:40AM

In this 17-minute video essay from Jonathan Hertzberg, he compiles scenes of the New York City subway in movies mostly from the 1970s and the 1980s. Though this is an account of the subterranean railway's presence in mainly fiction films, it shows a glimpse of a grimy and violent past. As the subway trundles through these two pre-Giuliani decades, it hosts a variety of gangs, purse-snatchers, tough cops, harassers, jaunty graffiti, drug-pushers, and zombie-eyed post partiers. Hertzberg has simply titled his short film Dirty Old New York Subway.

Hamilton Nolan · 12/19/12 10:49AM

The inevitable NYC subway fare hike was just approved. Take it in slowly. It's not so bad. There, there.

The MTA Gets Back to Its Core Business of Screwing New Yorkers

Hamilton Nolan · 11/13/12 09:36AM

Let's all give a hand to New York's MTA, for their work after the devastation of Hurricane Sandy. Really. They had to get an entire system back on line, despite extensive damage and heavy public pressure, and they did it. Let's just take a moment to acknowledge the hard work of all those workers who got down in dark, flooded tunnels and fixed that whole mess so this city could get moving again. We salute you all. This moment in time represents the most public good will the notoriously poorly managed MTA has had in many years.

New Yorkers, How Horrible Was Your Commute This Morning?

Robert Kessler · 11/05/12 11:23AM

This morning was the first day back to work for many New Yorkers, and with the subways still not running 100 percent, the typical moderately aggravating commute transformed into a jam-packed nightmare for some.

Taylor Berman · 10/31/12 09:25PM

After Gov Cuomo declared a transportation emergency, the MTA is waiving all fares this Thursday & Friday. []

Public Transportation Shut Down in New York as East Coast Inches Closer to Apocalypse

Jordan Sargent · 10/28/12 10:12AM

Hurricane Sandy is currently enjoying a nice leisurely Sunday off the coast of South Carolina as she prepares for her jaunt up the coast en route to the finest cities the East Coast has to offer (and, yes, I mean Atlantic City). Current projections show that Sandy should be touching down in South Jersey around 2 a.m. Tuesday morning — she is expected to cross the state into Pennsylvania before heading north through western New York into Canada, where she will presumably stay if Mitt Romney has defeated Barack Obama.

Will You Be Struck by a New York City Subway Train This Year?

Hamilton Nolan · 06/22/12 08:45AM

How many people do you reckon were hit by subway trains in New York City last year? Five? Eleven? Fourteen? Twenty-six? Thirty-seven? Forty? Forty-two? Forty-three? Forty-five? Forty-eight? Fifty-one? Any of those numbers? How about fifty-four, then? Fifty-five? Fifty-nine? Yes? Well, you're wrong.

Your New York City Subway Survival Guide

Hamilton Nolan · 11/15/11 03:43PM

In its infinite wisdom, the New York City Transit system has decided to stop shutting down the subways for repairs every weekend, and start shutting down the subways for repairs every weeknight. How will this affect you, the straphanger, and the "new breed" of trained subway thieves that prowl the trains to prey on you? Allow us to help you make sense of the new, improved New York Subway system.