
Billionaire’s Hit-and-Run Crash Leaves Single Mom With $4K Bill

J.K. Trotter · 09/10/13 11:48AM

Daily News owner and aging billionaire Mort Zuckerman was having a bit too much fun in East Hampton, New York on August 11 when he rammed his Lexus into single mom and store manager Charlene F. Peele’s parked Ford sedan, all but destroying the vehicle. Zuckerman, while claiming to have left his business card at the scene, shortly left the crash site—a violation of state law. Worse, according the New York Post’s Jeane Macintosh, Zuck’s insurance company is refusing to pay for the total cost of the damange, sticking Peele with $4,000 to pay on a car she can’t drive. The East Hampton Star describes the crash:

Former News of the World Editor Ditches Murdochs for Daily News

Max Read · 01/04/12 03:28PM

Colin Myler, who took over at News of the World after alleged phone-hacking mastermind Andy Coulson and presided over its abrupt end (that's him above, giving a final speech to his editors), has been appointed the new editor-in-chief of the New York Daily News—bitter rival of the New York Post, which, like News of the World, is a News Corp holding.

Mort Zuckerman vs. the Daily News: An Owner Adrift

Hamilton Nolan · 04/25/11 03:40PM

Last July, New York Daily News editor Martin Dunn abruptly left the paper due to his wife's illness. Kevin Convey, who'd been working as editor of the Boston Herald, was named his replacement. But now, we hear, unsatisfied NYDN owner Mort Zuckerman may already be poking around for Convey's successor.

Mort Zuckerman

Remy Stern · 09/24/10 05:00AM

Who: Real estate developer Mortimer B. Zuckerman is the chairman of Boston Properties, one of the largest real estate developers in the United States, and the owner of U.S. News & World Report and the New York Daily News.

Staff Exodus at People Magazine?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/19/10 01:50PM

In your perplexing Wednesday media column: Mort Zuckerman's eying Newsweek, movie stars are creeping off our magazine covers, the owner of the Cubs knows news, and people at People are out the door.