Dan Senor—husband to Campbell Brown, former spokesman for Iraq's Coalition Provisional Authority, and Fox News analyst—might be considering a Senate run. But who isn't? Which reminds us: could you answer a few questions?

  • What is your opinion of Mort Zuckerman?
  • What is your opinion of Harold Ford, Jr.?
  • What is your opinion of Dan Senor?
  • What is your opinion of Richard Lawson?
  • Would you be more or less inclined to support Mort Zuckerman if you knew that he was a mean drunk who never loved his mother?
  • Would you be more or less inclined to support Harold Ford, Jr. if you knew that he constantly, compulsively makes Holocaust jokes?
  • Would you be more or less inclined to support Dan Senor if you knew that he cheated on Campbell Brown with Rick Sanchez, and live-Tweeted it?
  • Would you be more or less inclined to support Richard Lawson if you knew that he'd really like to buy you dinner and he looks like this?

Just testing the waters!