
What's a Birther Day Without a Visit to Oprah?

Seth Abramovitch · 04/28/11 02:13AM

Just hours after excoriating the "carnival barkers" who corral the gullible into darkened tents for a fleeting glimpse of "Obama: The Man Raised by Kenyan Wolves," the president found himself inside another kind of sideshow entirely: The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Barack Obama Made More Money Than You Did Last Year

Jim Newell · 04/18/11 02:18PM

The White House has released Barack and Michelle Obama's 2010 tax returns! These grifters really cashed in, too: $1,728,096 in adjusted gross income, mostly from book royalties. How much did you poor slugs make last year in the last remaining American profession, selling handjobs outside the T.G.I. Friday's? Probably not $1,728,096 in adjusted gross income! We need a fellow poor guy like Donald Trump in the Oval Office, soon.

Oprah to Interview the Obamas

Seth Abramovitch · 04/13/11 02:36AM

Barack and Michelle Obama will return to their old stomping grounds to tape an episode of Oprah on April 27, airing May 2. It's one of Oprah's last broadcasts, and should be a good one. But is she in? [Tribune]

Michelle Obama's Old Neighborhood is the Unhealthiest in America

Richard Lawson · 03/30/11 05:21PM

First Lady Michelle Obama, who has the nerve and audacity and dare I say uppitiness to want our children to eat better and live healthier, ought to be knocked down to her proper place upon hearing this: Illinois's 1st Congressional District, which includes Obama's South Side Chicago home turf, ranks 430th out of 436th in a new national health and well-being survey, and dead last in the "healthy behavior category." Boom.

Michelle Obama's Top Secret Love Advice

Adrian Chen · 02/13/11 07:30PM

Michelle and Barack Obama's marriage shines like a beacon of hope across our divorce-strewn land. If they can keep it together through grueling elections and harrowing national crises, surely the rest of us can. Now Michelle is spilling the secret to the super-strong love cement that holds them together just in time for Valentine's Day—her Guaranteed Love Cure for Couples. Misery, Begone!

Michelle Obama Gets Blamed for Pedestrian Deaths

Jim Newell · 01/20/11 04:51PM

Pedestrian deaths increased in 2010, and it was Michelle Obama's fault. This is what we're learning today! Specifically: Maybe if Michelle Obama's anti-obesity campaign wasn't urging people to exercise regularly, cars would hit them less often?

Michelle Obama's Arms Take Down Wal-Mart

Hamilton Nolan · 01/20/11 03:47PM

Wal-Mart today announced a five-year plan to modestly reduce sodium, sugar, and trans fats in all the food it sells. For this, they got a press conference with Michelle Obama in a sleeveless dress. Totally worth it. [NYT]

They Say It's Her Birthday

Brian Moylan · 01/17/11 06:50PM

[Michelle Obama was all high fives after Barack, Malia and Sasha finished singing "Happy Birthday" to her while observing Martin Luther King Jr. Day at a local middle school. Image via Getty]

Here's a Two-Minute Encapsulation of Sarah Palin's Utter Delusion

Matt Cherette · 12/20/10 12:19AM

Here's a clip from tonight's Sarah Palin's Alaska. Watch as Palin condescendingly pretends to be domestic, insults Michelle Obama, dances around the issue of daughter Willow's boyfriend, and defends giving her children lots of freedom—all in two minutes!