
Marcus Bachmann Cold Sore Coincides With Moment of Fame

Maureen O'Connor · 01/04/12 02:15PM

Poor Marcus Bachmann. The gleefully gay-seeming, possibly pushy, highly catty Christian therapist husband of Michele Bachmann suffered two humiliations this week: First, his wife called out his doggie sunglasses shopping spree on live TV. Then, the famously press-conscious fashion fiend ("All I want to know is what they're saying about me," he told New Yorker reporter Ryan Lizza) was forced to stand next to Michele in the critical final moments of her campaign with a giant cold sore on his mouth! Must have been the stress. Tasteful doggie eyewear is not easy to find in Des Moines.

Republican Race Loses Easiest Target as Michele Bachmann Quits

Max Read · 01/04/12 11:18AM

Michele Bachmann, the magical flightless wish bird willed into existence by thousands of liberal bloggers, is no more. After a sixth-place finish in the Iowa caucuses, Bachmann announced on Wednesday that she would be suspending her campaign and returning to her homeland, Quadling Country in Oz.

Michele Bachmann's Beautiful Ode to the AR-15 Assault Rifle

Jim Newell · 12/30/11 10:54AM

I'm telling you, CSPAN is just some shit-hot television right now. Everything is incredible. Hell, I watched Ron Paul shake hands after a Des Moines rally last night for 30 minutes—in high-definition. It was great. It's the new MTV! And now what's this, Michele Bachmann jawing on the radio about guns and her favorite gun for a couple of minutes? Sure, tell us all about it.

Michele Bachmann's Lovely Ode to the AR-15 Rifle

Jim Newell · 12/29/11 02:30PM

I'm telling you, CSPAN is just some shit-hot television right now, in Iowa. Hell, I watched Ron Paul shake hands after a Des Moines rally last night for 30 minutes — in high-definition. It was great. It's the new MTV! And now what's this, Michele Bachmann jawing on the radio about guns and her favorite gun for a couple of minutes? Sure, tell us all about it.

All the Vicious Things That Losing Candidates Are Saying About Ron Paul

Jim Newell · 12/28/11 01:45PM

It's hard to imagine that Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Santorum were hoping to be days away from the Iowa caucuses and spending most of their time attacking Ron Paul, who just so happens to be crushing them all. But here they are, and boy howdy are they spitting hot fire at this crabby old doctor-paleolibertarian! Here are some highlights.

Donald Trump Admits That He May Have to Cancel His Debate

Jim Newell · 12/09/11 02:50PM

Time for your daily dose of Giving Donald Trump Any Kind of Publicity! Today: The shrieking mudbuttface's precious little debate is in tatters. Michele Bachmann has turned him down, setting the final roster of participants at Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum. Or some combination of two.

Nobody Asked Michele Bachmann or Meghan McCain to Prom

Maureen O'Connor · 12/01/11 04:00PM

In her new role as MSNBC's junior nepotism correspondent (reporting to senior nepotism correspondent Luke Russert) Meghan McCain interviewed Michele Bachmann. Among Meghan's hard-hitting questions: What were you like high school?

Politicos Feeding Soldiers Turkey, Pundits Tweeting About 'Poop Cities'

Lauri Apple · 11/24/11 04:26PM

While listening to Aunt Eunice talk about her recent hip surgery and watching Little Cousin Jaydenlynne text furiously over her plateful of unwanted peas, you slowly chewed your turkey and thought about American's politicians and pundits, and how they are spending Thanksgiving. Am I right?

Michele Bachmann Has No Plans to Really Run for President

John Cook · 11/22/11 04:49PM

If you had any doubt that Michele Bachmann's presidential campaign is little more than a vanity effort designed to snag camera time and sell copies of her hastily written memoir, add this to the evidence locker: According to internal campaign documents, her own treasurer says she has no plans to field employees or volunteers in Florida, Texas, Michigan, or California, and the campaign hopes at best to raise just $30 million—a lot less than it generally takes to win a national primary.

Desperate Michele Bachmann Goes on Blowtorching Rampage

Jim Newell · 11/15/11 05:00PM

This is Michele Bachmann's finest hour. I mean, for us, not for her. What do you think? My impression is that when you make a comically low-budget ad throwing together some clips of pretty much every other candidate being liberal-ish once or twice in their lives and sourcing your claims, however valid or not, with "www.wikipedia.com," you're likely in the twilight of your run.