Time for your daily dose of Giving Donald Trump Any Kind of Publicity! Today: The shrieking mudbuttface's precious little debate is in tatters. Michele Bachmann has turned him down, setting the final roster of participants at Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum. Or some combination of two.

Here, via Business Insider, are the critical comments he made about Michele Bachmann to Don Imus this morning:

"She came up to see me four times. She would call me and ask me for advice. She said if she wins, she would like to think about me for the vice presidency. Most importantly, I did a two-hour phone call for her with her people. ... And after all that, she announced she was not going to do the debate. It's called loyalty. How do you do that? It's amazing to me."

Usually this is the place to call bullshit, but we really have no doubt that Michele Bachmann would consider Donald Trump for the vice presidency.

He said that he'll "have to look into" it canceling the debate now, which was probably the plan all along. Did you know that his new "policy book" is out? That's all he needs you to know.

[Image via AP]