
This is how we write things now.

Nick Douglas · 06/07/06 06:30PM

There's a rumor going 'round that lots of reporters are reading blogs. So apropos of nothing (and because it's the middle of the afternoon and I'm drinking at the House of Shields), the Valley journo circuit needs new rules from now on.

To-Do this week: Design 2.0, Web Infinity Plus One

Nick Douglas · 06/05/06 09:11PM
  • Tuesday afternoon: Oh boy, just $175 for an afternoon of lecturing designers! At Design 2.0 in SF, BusinessWeek writer Jessie Scanlon moderates a panel including Diego Rodriguez of magical design company IDEO and Peter Rojas of tech blog AOL Engadget. More fun than a barrel of Gillmors! [Core77]

Geek out: Seattle TechCrunchFest

Nick Douglas · 06/05/06 12:53PM

Dorky button-downs, laptop bags, and ten guys for every girl — welcome back to high school chess club! TechCrunch blogger Michael Arrington held a dorkolicious Web 2.0 (TM) party this weekend in Seattle. An attendee and pic-provider says,

Jason Calacanis piss-off tracker

Nick Douglas · 06/01/06 11:55AM

Jason Calacanis fancies himself a pot-stirrer. And the rising AOL exec really does twist more panties than a Chinese laundry. But he's a very busy man, so as an act of service journalism, here's a list of whom he's pissed off — this week.

Anatomy of a shitstorm: O'Reilly trademarks Web 2.0

Nick Douglas · 05/25/06 05:27PM

Tech publisher Tim O'Reilly's lawyers C&D'd an Irish non-profit two weeks before its "Web 2.0 half-day conference" for violating a pending trademark. Sure, Tim O'Reilly (pictured and also happy to see you) may have every right to register the mark "Web 2.0" for the use of conferences — he did popularize the phrase, and he has been running Web 2.0 Conferences for two years. But dudes, if there's anything to learn from Sensei Cory Doctorow, it's that reality doesn't apply to the blogosphere. Thus:

Bloggerati breakdown: A very Arri roundup

Nick Douglas · 05/22/06 05:53PM
  • TechCrunch blog mogul Michael Arrington (pictured here waving some shock) smirks at pundit Richard MacManus, who decided that Web 2.0 is undead resurrected: "While I enjoy watching Richard struggle with his inner self, and trying to find security in his beliefs, I think I'll carry on as I have - mostly ignoring the debate and focusing on the companies that are defining the new web." Snap. [CrunchNotes]

Remainders: To the CrunchCave!

Nick Douglas · 05/15/06 11:44PM
  • Ballmer, Brin, and the other big boys take potshots. Google's Sergey Brin about Microsoft: "We just see the history of that company behaving anti-competitively and not playing fair." MS's Steve Ballmer about Google: "Can you imagine writing a letter to someone. 'Hey, Mom, I am upset with the gun policy.' Then an ad pops up and says, 'Hey, do you want to buy a gun?'" Yahoo's Terry Semel about Microsoft: "My impartial advice to Microsoft is that you have no chance." [ISEdb.com]

Rumor mill: Craig's movin' on up

Nick Douglas · 05/11/06 01:47PM
  • Craig "Lemme guess, you got your couch through Craigslist. You're welcome" Newmark cryptically thanks Bank of America for the two CDs worth $22 mil. Is this some clever West Wing allusion, or did Craig just deposit, like, two days' wages? [Craigblog]


Nick Douglas · 05/09/06 12:32PM

Techmeme (TechCrunch's robot friend) got extra-confusing yesterday with all the talk about OPML. Blog-syndication boss Dave Winer opened his blog-sharing project, Share Your OPML, to much fanfare from the technorati.