• Tuesday afternoon: Oh boy, just $175 for an afternoon of lecturing designers! At Design 2.0 in SF, BusinessWeek writer Jessie Scanlon moderates a panel including Diego Rodriguez of magical design company IDEO and Peter Rojas of tech blog AOL Engadget. More fun than a barrel of Gillmors! [Core77]
  • Tuesday evening: TechCrunch tech publisher Michael Arrington wrangles techies from Google, Yahoo, AOL, Photobucket, and Azureus at the Harvard Business School Association's panel on online video. [HBS Tech]
  • Tuesday night: Your best bet for Tuesday is the Silicon Valley New Technology June Meetup in Palo Alto, where five startups take the stage to demo. Start a trend — drunkenly heckle Kaboodle, Meebo, or the other startups until they dash from the stage in tears. [Upcoming.org]
  • Tuesday night (UPDATE): Or heckle someone at the SF New Tech Meetup, held at CNET HQ. [Meetup.com]
  • Thursday evening: Hear Douglas Coupland, author of Microserfs, read from his new book Jpod. (It's about video game coders.) Event's free, and it's on Haight Street. Get a signed copy — and review it for Valleywag, won't you? [Upcoming.org]
  • Thursday night: The highlight of your week is Valleywag's Web Infinity Plus One SloshCon, where nerds drink for free and yell about the Internet. Come shout your business plan from the stage and see if anyone invests. [Upcoming.org]