Bloggerati breakdown: A very Arri roundup

- TechCrunch blog mogul Michael Arrington (pictured here waving some shock) smirks at pundit Richard MacManus, who decided that Web 2.0 is
undeadresurrected: "While I enjoy watching Richard struggle with his inner self, and trying to find security in his beliefs, I think I'll carry on as I have - mostly ignoring the debate and focusing on the companies that are defining the new web." Snap. [CrunchNotes] - GigaOM blogger Om Malik is watching sexy ladies. [Daily Om]
- For a good time, call Steve Gillmor. [ZDNet]
- RSS master Dave Winer, who despite his faults at least has great taste in entertainment, thought the Da Vinci Code was crud. [Scripting News]
- Federated Media blog mogul John Battelle totally, like, forgot his password, dudes. And he's got a gnarly case of the munchies. [Searchblog]