
Geek out: Business 2.0's party for Om Malik

Nick Douglas · 07/28/06 09:16PM

GigaOM blogger Om Malik is taking his tech site from hobby to business. His alma mater, Business 2.0, held a patio party for him at the Hotel Vitale. Guests included B2 editor Josh Quittner, Craigslist creator Craig Newmark, and a whole gang of delightful snarkers. These photos are from Scott Beale (aka "Long Tentacle") from Laughing Squid.

Send us your deleted TechCrunch comments

Nick Douglas · 07/28/06 08:00PM

[Update: I'm leaving this (inaccurate) item up, but Michael Arrington says he did not — repeat, did not — censor the following comment from MobileCrunch. WordPress, he says, automatically deleted it due to length. Michael says he does regularly delete comments, so if he deletes yours, send it to tips@valleywag.com.]

Waggable: Michael Arrington is such a charmer

Nick Douglas · 07/28/06 12:47PM

Last night at blogger Om Malik's patio party, Michael Arrington, founder and top blogger of the increasingly influential outsourced PR news site TechCrunch, was chatting to the head of Jigsaw (a site where people buy and sell each other's contact info). On TechCrunch, Arrington has called Jigsaw the most evil company with respectable VC money. He's also said, "I'd love to see a class action case brought against them."

A guide to the Gillmor Gang and its latest nerdfight

Nick Douglas · 07/26/06 05:48PM

So the weekly podcast "The Gillmor Gang" is in limbo as members Michael Arrington, Steve Gillmor, and Nick Carr fight their personal demons. I'm wondering the same thing you are about this tiff: Who are these guys, what's their problem, and why should I care?

Michael Arrington's friends haunted by the bursting bubble

Nick Douglas · 07/25/06 03:07PM

TechCrunch owner Michael Arrington already dominates the Valley with his top-ranked tech blog. Now his related personal blog, CrunchNotes, has its own following. Those who subscribe to the CrunchNotes RSS feed saw the above entry speculating about "bomb-like" sounds in downtown San Francisco. (Arrington lives down in Atherton, over an hour out of the city, so he relied on a friend's account.)

Michael Arrington locks that down

Nick Douglas · 07/21/06 02:03PM

Give it up for Michael Arrington. When the TechCrunch founder opened the guest list for his site's seventh party, he chose a wiki that only allows one editor at a time. Delays frustrated hundreds of Valley hard chargers dying to get in. (Many claim they spent two hours hitting "refresh" hoping for their chance to sign up for the party.) Now that wiki has proven so popular that he had to shut it down.

The Anatomy of the Google Product Cycle

Nick Douglas · 07/03/06 02:52PM

BusinessWeek's hype-killing article on Google's product line has everyone buzzing about the company's product cycle. Guest writer Garry Bibb explains the process — it all starts with a Battlestar Galactica marathon and some Mike's Hard Lemonade.

Arrington engages the Valley's crazy uncles

Nick Douglas · 06/26/06 09:00AM

The Three Stooges of Silicon Valley found a Shemp. After Michael Arrington spoke at Dave Winer's BloggerCon, the TechCrunch blogger got sucked into Winer's little club — Winer, Marc Canter, and Steve Gillmor.

Podcast WagNotes: TechCrunch talks to Kevin Rose about Digg v3

Nick Douglas · 06/23/06 01:29PM

TechCrunch interviews Kevin Rose and Jay Adelson, co-founders of Digg. The hour-long podcast covers the rise of the social news site and where it's going after the new edition's Monday release. TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington pulls some great info from the Diggers. But if you don't have time to listen, just read these WagNotes.

Internet Millionaires to African AIDS Babies: Drop dead!

Nick Douglas · 06/20/06 09:30AM

Marketer and pro-blogger advocate Curt Hopkins is a good and reasonable man. Good because he's running the Blogswana project, in which students will help those affected by AIDS in Africa tell the world about their plight. Reasonable because when he asked the following Valley people — people known as good souls with a passion for world-changing technology — for financial support, he expected a few yeses and a few nos.

Geek out: Valleywag's first SloshCon is a sozzled success

Nick Douglas · 06/09/06 11:45PM

Valleywag's first SloshCon at the House of Shields was so successful that my hangover's having baby hangovers. Remember the live-audience interviews and speeches on the game plan? Scrapped. We didn't want to ruin the vibe (half the crowd had arrived in the first 20 minutes), so we all kept on drinking and bullshitting one-on-one. (Top photo by Jeremiah Owyang)