
These three bloggers want to get you a job

Nick Douglas · 08/29/06 02:52PM

Takeaway: Several big tech bloggers recently launched job boards. Michael Arrington at TechCrunch has the best board, but his competitors rejected his partnership offers, fearing he'd take over the partnership.

Biz 2 pretends Mike Arrington is fun

Nick Douglas · 08/22/06 12:33PM

"Michael Arrington is a partying kind of guy," says Business 2.0 in their feature on the TechCrunch magnate and the other nouveau riche of blogging, as they describe the buildup to the crazy night of last weekend's TechCrunch7 party.

Loose wires: Captain's LiveJournal

Nick Douglas · 08/17/06 10:20PM
  • Captain's LiveJournal 060817: Detecting peanuts-for-brains life form over at Planet Google's holodeck where a semblance of a joke is being made. Must inquire more about this blog structure and why humans look so self-satisfied after hitting "publish." [Google Blog]

Michael Arrington wants you to fail

Nick Douglas · 08/11/06 06:55PM

Okay, that's not a fair way to put it. But the TechCrunch blog founder tells BusinessWeek he's willing to buy other blogs if the market tanks: "I'm hoping everything crashes. Then I want to go buy all the big blogs."