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  • Web 2.0 start-up Kiko gets auctioned off for $50K. Kinda like that chick from "Family Matters" whose boyfriend pimped her out to porn. And both heed the disclaimer: Past traffic is no guarantee of future traffic. [Ebay]
  • The Web 2.Ooh Hotties Men's Round turns positively political as contestant Jonathan Grubb accuses competitor Auren Hoffman of being a Bush fan. What's worse is he has proof and he's willing to use it. [Jonathan Grubb's Blog]
  • Sometimes-journalist/PT Rogue Blogger Nick Carr pulls a Scarface on the blogosphere, and everyone in the gang shoots back. While some liken Carr to a troll, TechCrunch blogger Michael Arrington asks, "Robin Hood or asshole?" A bit of both. [Nick Carr's Blog, CrunchNotes, Rex Hammock's Blog, BB Gun]
  • Dot-Com Survivor cum Inarticulate Blogger shares some helpful tips about entrepreneurial failure. Remember always use the front of your hand for bitch-slapping. It packs more of a punch. [I Got News For You]
  • Say goodbye to our big brother Sploid, whose future, like any 13-year-old at a "Girls Gone Wild" party, dictates it be whored off to the lowest bidder. [Sploid]
  • We know no one really gives a shit about Chuck Norris lookalikes in cryptology, but we needed one more item. [Geekz]

Written by Gottfried the Intern