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  • Captain's LiveJournal 060817: Detecting peanuts-for-brains life form over at Planet Google's holodeck where a semblance of a joke is being made. Must inquire more about this blog structure and why humans look so self-satisfied after hitting "publish." [Google Blog]
  • Marketing blogger Seth Godin lists the top 900 or so Web 2.0 "It" Companies. We suppose, judging by their ranking, that MySpace will now endorse the shameless self-promoter too. [Web 2.0 Traffic Watch]
  • The good people at Kiko do a post-mortem on their little calendar company and conclude what the rest of us already knew: Nobody does Ajax calendars better than them except Google, 30boxes, Calendar hub, and nearly a dozen other companies. [Jkanstyle]
  • Not to be outdone by Om Malik, Michael Arrington's blog TechCrunch is hosting another shindig tomorrow nite. Invites are so hot (or lame) they are being auctioned off on Ebay. Nothing is Paris-Hilton-hotter than us raising the odds that nudity will transpire. Let's just hope none of the party-goers have to bear witness to an Arrington full frontal. [SF Tech Chronicles]

— Intern Gottfried