
France Can "Confirm With Certainty" That Plane Debris Belonged to MH370

Taylor Berman · 09/03/15 11:42AM

The piece of debris found in July on Reunion Island definitely belonged to missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, French prosecutors confirmed Thursday. Their announcement comes three weeks after Malaysia’s prime minister publicly “confirmed” the same thing, though France at the time—citing, in part, inexplicable barnacles and a missing ID plate—said further tests were needed to determine the debris’s origin.

Jeff Wise Is Here to Chat About His Flight MH370 Disappearance Theory

J.K. Trotter · 02/24/15 02:00PM

Anyone obsessed with the disappearance of Flight MH370 knows the name of Jeff Wise, a private pilot and science writer who has frequently appeared on CNN to track new developments in the search for the missing plane. Today he’s here to chat with Gawker readers about his personal theory—detailed in a 95-page Kindle Single and excerpted in New York magazine—for how the passenger jet vanished without a trace on March 8, 2014. It involves bogus flight data, Russian hijackers, and a remote facility in Kazakhstan (among others things).

Investigators Believe Flight MH370 Was on Autopilot, Crew Unconscious

Aleksander Chan · 06/26/14 09:41PM

Australian officials searching for the still-missing plane from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 now believe that the plane was flying on autopilot for hours until it ran out of fuel and crashed. Officials are also considering a theory that the crew was unconscious because of oxygen deprivation.

Malaysia Will Release Satellite Data from Missing Plane

Aleksander Chan · 05/20/14 07:03AM

Malaysia will release raw satellite data from the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, The Civil Aviation Department and British company Inmarsat announced today. Some family members of the passengers had demanded that the data be released to allow for independent analysis.

Sarah Hedgecock · 03/31/14 01:05PM

A volunteer from an NGO called Malaysians For Malaysia gets ready to release balloons as a symbol of remembrance for the victims of flight MH370 at Titiwangsa Lake on Sunday in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Image via Rahman Roslan/Getty.

Lost Planes

Michelle Dean · 03/22/14 08:30AM

I do this thing when I'm not sure what to do about something: I go into this database of old newspapers I'm fond of and search for a phrase. Late a few nights ago, hardly thinking about what I was typing, I went and searched for "lost plane."